
U.S. Access Board updating Section 508 disability regulations

The U.S. Access Board has issued its long-awaited proposed rulemaking for accessibility for computers, Web sites, cell phones and other telecom and IT products and devices.

Digital Government

Chopra delivers state of the union address for technology

Federal Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra keynoted The Atlantic magazine's State of the Union for Technology event today.

Digital Government

Feds will play a big part in broadband push

The Federal Communications Commission is slated to publish its big plan for faster broadband adoption in about three weeks, but that won’t be the only federal government involvement.

Digital Government

HHS Open Government Web site snowed by bad timing?

As of today, only three people have commented on the new Open HHS Blog. That seems to suggest a slow start to the discussion about how HHS can be more transparent and more accessible.


SSA sets goal of 50 percent online applications for retirees

The Social Security Administration has set targets for increasing its online application rate for retirees and the disabled by 2012.


Fresher data would improve, watchdog groups say

The transparency Web site could be improved if it had newer data, used better data formats and offered more options for searching, transparency advocates said in a letter to the White House.


3 must-do's for agencies to improve citizen engagement

The proliferation of government Web sites and other means of contact does not always result in better service for people, so agencies need to try new approaches.


Congress must revamp campaign finance online reporting, watchdog says

The recent Supreme Court decision allowing unlimited corporate contributions to campaigns is creating a need for a robust, comprehensive online campaign finance reporting system, says the Sunlight Foundation.


States improve transparency of Recovery Act spending

State governments in Kentucky, Illinois, Minnesota and Utah made the most dramatic progress in reporting publicly their federal economic stimulus spending online in the last six months, according to a new report.


Four U.S. agencies deficient in controlling stimulus reporting errors, auditors say

Inspectors general have identified shortcomings in the monitoring of mistakes and omissions in Recovery Act reporting at four federal agencies.


GSA sponsors online dialogue for feedback about

The General Services Administration has set up an online dialogue to collect comments from the public on improving the Web site.

Modernization site has new page to fix problems

The board in charge of tracking economic stimulus law spending has instituted new logic checks and policies to fix errors.


Sebelius outlines open government projects

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius seeks to make government more open by sponsoring a YouTube video contest and a Web site for CDC employees.


Game changer: Open Government Directive puts new onus on agencies

White House lays out new data transparancy mandates—with deadlines.


Recovery site hosts bad data, GAO says

The Web site should move quickly to address data quality problems, a GAO official recommends.


Survey shows federal agencies need help with transparency

A new survey of 200 federal managers found that 54 percent have some capabiities in place, but not all, to meet new transparency requirements.


Gov 2.0: Transparency without accessibility?

Despite progress, advocates say some high-profile federal Web sites still fail to meet the needs of people with disabilities.


Putting Web sites to the test

Users with disabilities often must find ways around accessibility problems on federal sites to get the information they need.


DOD widens access to collaboration program

According to the new policy, government employees with e-mail addresses sponsored by CAC holders may take advantage of Defense Connect Online tools.


New contractor database draws fire

Industry and good-government groups criticize a new database that would be used to judge contractors before making awards.