
Do contractor ID numbers taint transparency?

Advocacy groups are reviving long-standing questions about the suitability of corporate ownership of a critical government database.


IT upgrades, increased public interaction coming for Citizenship and Immigration Services

Alejandro Mayorkas, the new director of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, said he wants the agency to be more engaged with the public and also to move into the electronic age.

Digital Government

FCC launches social media projects, but critic raps transparency shortcomings

The FCC starts Web programs to invite public comments on a plan, but a critic says the commission should first fix its official electronic comments system.


Trust, but let Google verify: Companies join government in identity authentication experiment

The OpenID and Information Card foundations today announced pilot identity management projects with federal agencies and vendors.


Audit: IRS killed online project just before deployment

The IRS hopes to revive a canceled project to allow taxpayers to view their tax records online, according to an audit.


CDC starts Web discussions on swine flu

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is sponsoring a Web-based discussion starting today to gauge public opinion on swine flu vaccinations.


USDA uses social media to study rural life

A new Web site from the Agriculture Department uses several social media tools to track a program that collects information on life in rural communities.


Social media dominates new DOD Web site

Social media is the prominent feature on the new Defense Department's home page, which was launched today.


Former EPA official wants to bring new IT to government

In her new role at CGI Federal, Molly O’Neill plans to draw on her past experience with issues such as data sharing and Web 2.0.


Government wants contractors to register soon at stimulus-tracking site

The board tracking the economic stimulus law spending is urging contractors, state and local agencies and non-profits to register early on its new Web site.


OMB and private groups track Congressional earmarks

A volunteer group is creating an online database to contain more than 17,000 congressional earmark requests, while OMB says it is planning to expand its own database next year.


DOD wrestles with Web 2.0

Policy review to tackle security, privacy concerns.


Recovery Act board publishes data dictionary

The board that oversees spending under the economic stimulus law has released a list of data elements to be used to standardize reporting.


DOD wrestles with Web 2.0

Policy review to tackle security, privacy concerns.


FCC wants help on universal broadband

The FCC asks officials and the public to help develop a plan for providing universal broadband Internet access.


DHS launches YouTube channel

The Homeland Security Department has a new YouTube channel with links to YouTube videos by FEMA, the Coast Guard and other agencies.


Chopra: Public leads government in using IT

Federal agencies need to follow the lead of the public in using technology to collaborate and communicate, Federal CTO Aneesh Chopra says.


Agencies seek social-media contractors

Even though social-media tools are easy to use, some agencies want contractors to help anyway.


Good site searches vital, experts say

It's important that agencies' Web sites be easy to search, experts say.


Open Government Initiative may increase security woes

The Obama administration's Open Government Initiative to make government information more accessible could lead to the inadvertent exposure of sensitive data.