Artificial Intelligence
The Pentagon Wants AI-Driven Drone Swarms for Search and Rescue Ops
The project will likely require AI and unmanned systems developers to work together under the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center.
3 Theories for Why You Have No Time
Better technology means higher expectations, and higher expectations create more work.
A More Automated FedRAMP is One Step Closer
The program office seeks public comments on updates to its automation plans.
Artificial Intelligence
New York Just Set a ‘Dangerous Precedent’ on Algorithms, Experts Warn
NYC’s task force on algorithms was supposed to be a beacon of transparent government. It couldn’t even gain access to basic information.
Work Is a Fundamental Part of Being Human. Robots Won't Stop Us Doing It.
Works plays a central role in human development.
Artificial Intelligence
Emerging Technology Trends
A look at developments in innovation across the federal technology landscape in 2019.
GSA Built a Bot Factory and Thinks Your Agency Can Too
The federal RPA Community of Practice is getting ready to release its first playbook before the end of the year.
Artificial Intelligence
Google Wants More Work from the Defense Department
A senior vice president ruled out working directly on weapons programs, but said other areas are fair game.
How Automation Can Lead to Better Ethics Compliance
For one thing, it can help formalize the process.
Emerging Tech
Deploying Bots Demands Workforce Buy-in
Agency officials detailed an important lesson they learned when implementing robotic process automation.
Emerging Tech
Aviation Safety Bill Targets Challenges Posed by Flight Automation
It comes on the heels of two tragic commercial aircraft crashes that killed 346 in the last year.
After 30 Years, the Last State Finally Automated Its Child Support System
South Carolina struggled for decades to switch from manual process run by counties to a largely automated system run by the state.
Artificial Intelligence
Use of Artificial Intelligence Poised to Grow in State Government, Survey Finds
Experimentation is key to the Utah chief information officer’s expanded use of artificial intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence
Diverse Perspectives Are Critical When Deploying Emerging Tech, Officials Say
New tech comes with uncertainty, which is why federal teams should seek out expertise and different opinions.
Emerging Tech
Watch a Roofing Drone Fire Its Nail Gun
A new aerial vehicle called an “octocopter” can attach asphalt shingles to a roof without a human at the controls.
Emerging Tech
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Eyes Tech Sprints to Accelerate Advancements
The hope is to rapidly identify technological solutions for the agency’s toughest problems.
Artificial Intelligence
Where to Use AI and Other Tips From CIOs on Emerging Tech
The chief information officers from the departments of Health and Human Services, Justice and the General Services Administration offered emerging tech ideas to feds.
Agencies to Security Industry: Automate Cloud Compliance Faster
Cloud providers also want faster, more efficient FedRAMP compliance, and today, this is well in reach.
Emerging Tech
Federal RPA Solutions Have One Thing In Common: No Two Are Alike
Robotic process automation leads from across government and industry met this week to share early lessons learned from efforts to automate federal agencies.
Worker-Protection Laws Aren't Ready for an Automated Future
Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, robotics, virtual reality and advanced monitoring systems have already begun altering workplaces in fundamental ways that may soon become impossible to ignore.
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