
When Regulating New Tech Harms Public Safety

Facial recognition technology is new and nascent, but not a departure from the innate abilities humans are born with. Efforts by states to limit its use harms public safety and deters innovation.

Emerging Tech

Amazon Shareholders Move to Stop Selling Facial Recognition Tech to Government Agencies

A group of shareholders filed a resolution to halt sales until they can consider the tech’s societal impact.

Artificial Intelligence

How AI Will Find You In the Crowd, Without Facial Recognition

New deep learning methods tested on video footage groups of animals could be a surveillance hit.

Emerging Tech

Survey: Americans Warming to Use of Facial Recognition Tech

Americans do not favor strict limits on facial recognition technology, according to a new national survey.

Emerging Tech

The FBI is Trying Amazon’s Facial-Recognition Software

The software allows the FBI to go through video surveillance footage much faster than agents can.

Emerging Tech

The Fears Behind Amazon’s ‘Eyes on the Street’

The tech company’s proposed facial-recognition doorbell could be a civil libertarian’s nightmare.

Emerging Tech

U.S. Customs and Border Protection Is Using Retinal Scans to Try to Catch Liars

The technology is supposedly faster, and cheaper, than traditional polygraph tests.


DOJ preps major push around ID management

The Department of Justice is gearing up to build an extensive identity and access management portfolio for employees and contractors over the next three years.

Emerging Tech

Lawmakers Want Better Answers from Amazon About Facial Matching Program

As law enforcement agencies experiment with the tech, lawmakers push for details about accuracy and privacy.


FBI’s Counterterrorism Investigations Now Run on Amazon

The FBI is the latest intelligence agency to partner with Amazon Web Services.

Emerging Tech

CBP’s Facial Biometrics Program Has Caught 26 Alleged Imposters

Since its rollout this summer, the biometrics program is finding more success at land borders than airports.

Artificial Intelligence

European Countries to Test AI Border Guards

A new program replaces human border guards with artificially intelligent avatars to watch for deception in travelers. It follows similar efforts that go back a decade.

Emerging Tech

ACLU Demands Homeland Security Disclose Facial Recognition Tech Details

The organization is highly concerned with ICE's use of facial recognition technology.


Amazon Is 'Fueling' ICE Deportations, a New Report Says

The report compiles information from contracts, lobbying data and other government and corporate records.