
Lawmakers lose patience with NBIB over clearance backlog

Senators expressed deep frustration about the government's lack of progress reducing the backlog of 700,000 pending security clearance requests, with some threatening to overhaul the process completely.

Digital Government

How to Turn Off Facebook's Facial Recognition

The social media site has been gaining detailed knowledge of your face.

Emerging Tech

U.S. Customs Wants to Use Your Face As a Boarding Pass

By 2022, the agency plans to use biometrics to identify 97 percent of travelers flying out of the country.


TSA tests facial recognition at LAX

The travel security agency wants to see if a combined facial recognition and e-Passport screening system can speed up document inspection.

Digital Government

Edward Snowden Is Campaigning Against the World’s Largest Biometric ID Program

Aadhaar, India’s 12-digit unique identification number program that has been under fire for its security and privacy systems.


DHS pursues cases exploiting biometric data gaps

A federal judge's recent order denaturalizing a naturalizing U.S. citizen shows how efforts to remedy a digital fingerprint gap are working.


DISA looks to walk the walk on multi-factor authentication

An individual's walking gait will be the first biometric used to continuously authenticate mobile warfighters.

Emerging Tech

In 9 U.S. Cities, Airport Security Is Now Scanning Your Face

“DHS should not be scanning the faces of Americans as they depart on international flights—but DHS is doing it anyway,” warns a new report that finds facial recognition practices may be violating the law.

Emerging Tech

Everything Apple Will Be Working on in 2018

Will there be any gadgets that inspire a technological revolution?


USCIS looks go big on biometrics

The immigration agency is developing rules to more aggressively use iris, voice and rapid DNA technologies.


Government Sued Over Tattoo Recognition Technology

The Electronic Frontier Foundation argues that the program curtails First Amendment right to freedom of expression.


U.S. biometric exit could be ready inside of four years

Full implementation of technology needed to track visa holders leaving the U.S. could be ready at airports across the U.S. in the next four years, but cooperation from airlines is key.

Artificial Intelligence

How One Law Enforcement Agency Is Using Facial Recognition to Identify Suspects

In Oregon, the Washington County Sheriff’s Department can review 300,000 mugshots in seconds and is helping other agencies to query their databases as well.

Digital Government

What Do China’s Police Collect on Citizens in Order to Predict Crime? Everything

These databases can scoop up everything from addresses, to medical history, supermarket membership, and delivery records.