Digital Government

The Pentagon Has the World’s Largest Logistics Problem. Blockchain Can Help

DoD should join other logistics-heavy organizations in experimenting with the cryptography-messaging-accounting technology that powers Bitcoin.

Emerging Tech

Blockchain May Finally Rid the World of Fax Machines

Another reason Blockchain has captivated the financial industry.


North Korea May Be Mining Bitcoin in Addition to Hacking It

The rogue regime may have found a new use for its idle coal supplies.

Emerging Tech

What’s Blockchain’s Role In The Public Good?

A nonprofit partnership is looking for ways the decentralized ledger system can benefit society.

Emerging Tech

Federal Blockchain Projects Face a Familiar Talent Problem

The General Services Administration has a proof-of-concept project underway and a hurdle.

Emerging Tech

Supermarkets Are Now Using Blockchain to Keep Food Fresh

The technology can track food throughout the complex global supply chain.

Artificial Intelligence

Feds Take Next Step In Spreading Blockchain Tech

The federal government's buying hub is hosting a workshop about integrating new technology in early September.

Emerging Tech

Federal Agencies Flirt with Blockchain

Agencies brainstormed at least 200 potential federal use cases.


Blockchain for Government: A Cheat Sheet

The technology could be used for processes that require third-party verification.

Emerging Tech

The Rise of Cryptocurrency Ponzi Schemes

Scammers are making big money off people who want in on the latest digital gold rush but don’t understand how the technology works.

Digital Government

HHS Wants More Blockchain In Health Records—Eventually

A recent code-a-thon showcased different ways the technology could be used to protect and share health records.


After Years of Hype, Private Blockchains Face Their First Commercial Tests

Blockchain tech has been a buzzword for much of the last two years, as industries ranging from big banks to utilities try to shoehorn it into their existing infrastructures.

Digital Government

Lawmakers Show Love to Blockchain, 'Star Wars,' But Question FBI FOIA Changes

They're also proposing a way to slow down any presidential efforts to remove sanction on Russia.


Top Emerging Tech Every CIO Should Watch for in 2017

The risk of becoming irrelevant has never been greater. It’s the role of chief information officers to look beyond today's solutions and be ready for what lies ahead.