
Tech Groups Urge Congress to Add Billions to TMF and Drop Some Repayments

Twelve advocacy groups representing the biggest names in tech asked for a major infusion of cash and some substantive changes to how the Technology Modernization Fund operates.

Digital Government

With Negotiations Ongoing, Lawmakers Say Yet Another Stopgap Bill ‘Highly Likely’ to Avert Shutdown

Congress is ironing out coronavirus relief funds in conjunction with a government funding package as the Friday deadline looms.

Digital Government

Federal Government Spending Nearly Twice as Much As Its Taking In

For the 14th straight month, the federal government spent more money than it received through taxes.


Focus on Data Quality Now is Key to Reaping Future Benefits of CPIC Benchmarking

One of the most immediate benefits is the ability to identify what we call “shadow IT.”

Digital Government

Tech Trade Group: IT Modernization Investment May Increase Under Biden

The group expects the Biden administration to expand IT modernization efforts, in part to respond to COVID-19.


Federal Government Runs Deficit for 13th Consecutive Month

The federal government continues to run monthly budget deficits in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

Digital Government

Federal Government to Conclude Fiscal 2020 With Record Spending

Even without data from the month of September, the Treasury Department reports total federal spending exceeded $6 trillion for the first time.


DeVos Vows to Require Standardized Tests Again: 4 Questions Answered

States may face a financial hit if they do not heed DeVos’ warning about testing.

Digital Government

Annual Government Spending Approaches Historic Territory

Driven heavily by the Defense Department, contract spending across government will exceed $600 billion in fiscal 2020.


Oversight Democrats Want at Least $1B for Technology Upgrades in Next Relief Bill 

Lawmakers make the case that the funding should be included in any coronavirus relief package that comes to a vote to help address IT systems struggling due to surge in demand. 


Preliminary FITARA Scores Look Good, Lawmaker Says

FITARA scores are not finalized but Rep. Gerry Connolly says no agency will receive a D or an F on upcoming scorecard.