
What's next for agency cyber efforts?

Ninety days after the Trump administration's executive order, FCW sat down with agency cyber leaders to discuss what’s changing.


First CDM Phase 3 task order hits the street

GSA has issued the first task order for the third phase of the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation cybersecurity program and looks for potential bidder responses by September.


Warner wants updates on feds' software patching

In the wake of the global WannaCry ransomware attacks, one senator wants assurances that the federal government is patching its systems.


CDM in the trenches

DHS, GSA and customer agencies discuss deployment efforts and ideas for future improvement.


Why the CDM program needs an overhaul

By focusing on legacy attack vectors, DHS’ cybersecurity program fails to address rapidly evolving new threats.

Digital Government

Orchestrating security technology

To tackle advanced threats in an ever more complex cyber world, agencies must integrate all their security tools, data and processes.


Getting agencies access to insider threat solutions

Thanks to GWACs and small businesses, a growing number of options are available.


GSA looks to streamline cyber buying

As part of a new strategy for Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation cybersecurity capabilities, GSA is looking to replace the blanket purchase agreement with a better governmentwide IT contract.


A rare piece of good news for federal cybersecurity

The author argues that government could eliminate identity-based breaches by 2021, if agencies leverage advances in identity management under CDM.


SSA looks for cyber risk help

The Social Security Administration holds highly sensitive data on nearly all Americans and is looking for ideas on how to keep it safe.


White House probes centralized cyber capabilities

The White House is exploring a centralized method of providing IT and cybersecurity capabilities to agencies for the next administration.


Interior CDM effort 'immature,' says watchdog report

The Interior Department's inspector general said the agency's cybersecurity efforts need more work.


Cybersecurity spending not at risk in election

A new study says DHS is likely to get money to continue cybersecurity programs, no matter who winds up in the White House, because the threat is too big to ignore.


New CDM services on the horizon

A task order to provide smaller agencies with Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation as a cloud-based service is coming this summer, while a new phase focused on data is being explored.


CDM-as-a-service great, but what next?

Small agencies feel the cyber talent squeeze more than big agencies, but they’re looking eagerly to CDM-as-a-service to help secure their networks.


DHS adds traffic tool to intrusion-prevention program

The Netflow Analysis tool will help identify malicious traffic on private networks, said Andy Ozment, DHS' assistant secretary for cybersecurity and communications.


The limits (and myths) of security

Five principles for securing government information systems can help agencies better understand and manage risk.