Digital Government

Edward Snowden Is Campaigning Against the World’s Largest Biometric ID Program

Aadhaar, India’s 12-digit unique identification number program that has been under fire for its security and privacy systems.

Artificial Intelligence

China and the CIA Are Competing to Fund Silicon Valley’s AI Startups

The U.S. intelligence community is upping its early-stage investments in machine-learning companies — but Beijing is pouring in far more.

Artificial Intelligence

What the CIA’s Tech Director Wants from AI

Dawn Meyerriecks says staying ahead of Russia and China isn’t as hard as getting U.S. leaders to listen to their own artificial intelligence analysis.


Trump names top IC CIO

CIA open source leader John Sherman has been tapped to serve as CIO of the intelligence community.


Unclassified ICITE on the horizon

The intelligence community's cloud-based computing platform is moving into more broadly accessible realms, according to the ODNI's top tech official.


Former fed and contractor charged with spying for China

A mobile device tipped off feds to a Virginia man who now faces life in prison on charges of passing classified national defense information to Chinese intelligence agents.


If Your Home Wi-Fi Router Is on This List, It Might Be Vulnerable to CIA Hacking Tools

CherryBlossom infects routers by identifying their make and model and injecting malicious firmware into them.


CIA's Cloud is 'Pretty Close' to Invincible, CIO Says

The agency wants to operate more like commercial companies, not the government, CIA CIO John Edwards said.


What the PATCH Act doesn't do

Proponents of the current Vulnerabilities Equities Process say the proposed PATCH Act will likely improve the process, but it is just one piece of a larger cybersecurity puzzle.


Senate bill codifies vulnerabilities board

In the wake of the WannaCry ransomware epidemic, two senators are teaming up on a bill to create a legal framework for the disclosure of IT vulnerabilities discovered by U.S. intelligence agencies.


CIA Director Pledges to Ramp Up Digital Defenses Against WikiLeaks, Insider Threats

Mike Pompeo characterized WikiLeaks and others as anti-democratic celebrity seekers in his first public remarks as director.


CIA director rips Assange, defends foreign surveillance

In his first public remarks as CIA director, Mike Pompeo defended the work of the agency -- and condemned Wikileaks founder Julian Assange and former intel contractor Edward Snowden for undermining the CIA and national security.


Former intel chiefs fear future election hacks

Former top CIA and NSA officials say Russia's interference in the 2016 presidential election marks the dawn of a new era for information warfare directed against U.S. interests.


Lawmakers seek intel on surveillance of Americans

Lawmakers are demanding that the director of national intelligence release an estimate of the number of Americans who have been incidentally tracked during foreign surveillance under FISA Section 702.


WikiLeaks exposes more alleged CIA cyber tools

WikiLeaks has released another batch of alleged CIA hacking tools that purport to detail how the agency covers its tracks when penetrating foreign targets.


Should the U.S. stockpile zero days?

Zero-day vulnerabilities live on average for 6.9 years and have a low rate of discovery by other entities, which could argue in favor of stockpiling them, according to a comprehensive study by the RAND Corporation.


Vault 7 leak highlights insider threat

The WikiLeaks release of alleged CIA hacking program data is the latest example of what one former intelligence official says is the greatest cybersecurity challenge: the insider threat.


Some Alleged CIA Hacking Tools—Like Apps That Turn Smart TVs into Spies—Do Exist

A more unsettling issue may be why the CIA couldn’t protect its own data in the first place.


WikiLeaks posts spy trove purporting to contain CIA hacking tools

Wikileaks launches what it claims is its largest-ever release of CIA data, which includes nearly 9,000 documents and files alleged to contain hacking tools and covert program details.