
Federal cyber leaders assess TMF awards

National Cyber Director Chris Inglis said he co-chaired a meeting with top federal cyber leaders this week to analyze current projects with investments from the Technology Modernization Fund.


Lawmakers examine TSA's growing role in cyber

Lawmakers on the Homeland Security Committee convened cybersecurity experts and key stakeholders from the transportation industry to discuss new rules in the works for the transportation sector.


CISA seeks 24-hour timeline for cyber incident reporting

Two separate Senate bills set different deadlines for federal contractors, critical infrastructure providers and other covered companies to report cyber incidents to the federal government.


The CISO reporting structure is broken

The commitment to managing cyber risk is a primary concern, but is often consolidated with IT priorities. This creates a conflict – does IT or security come out on top?


Clarke stresses cooperation as momentum builds on Capitol Hill behind breach disclosure legislation

Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-NY), chair of the Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection and Innovation subcommittee, said building trust with critical infrastructure entities was fundamental to expanding information sharing between the public and private sectors.


How training fits into cyber workforce development

In a tight market for cyber talent, training is one way to show the workforce you've invested in them, says Jason Gray, the Department of Education's CIO and co-chair of the CIO Council's Workforce Committee.


White House looks to step up endpoint monitoring

The Biden administration is requiring agencies to provide visibility into their endpoint detection and response efforts as part of the cybersecurity executive order.


CISA chief looks to new system to attract cyber talent

Despite increasing competition among the public and private sectors in hiring top cyber talent, CISA Director Jen Easterly said she has high hopes for a new personnel management system which reduces friction in hiring and offers new career paths.


DHS adds cyber requirements for transportation industry

The Transportation Security Agency and the Coast Guard are getting increased authority over industry cybersecurity.


Bipartisan FISMA update drops

Leaders of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee introduced legislation on Monday to update the Federal Information Security Modernization Act to clarify the role of CISA in defending federal networks.


CISA chief: Cyber incident reporting can't become a burden

Jen Easterly, the director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, stressed the importance of cyber incident reporting but said mandates should be careful of potentially overburdening companies -- and CISA -- with "reporting noise."


Spending the federal cybersecurity budget: what's next?

A lot of new money is in the pipeline to help the federal government confront cybersecurity problems -- but what's the best way to allocate those resources?


Shutdown looms as Congress faces spending deadlines

Most agencies are still operating under shutdown plans crafted under the Trump administration, but there are provisions for continuing pandemic programs and operations.


Cyber officials look to toughen up reporting requirements

The head of CISA told lawmakers that federal breach disclosure rules should be accompanied by compliance mechanisms, including fines.


House reconciliation bill includes nearly $800 million for CISA

The funding supports the implementation of President Joe Biden's May executive order on cybersecurity and workforce development.


Report: Fostering a diverse cybersecurity workforce

Experts at an Aspen Institute event explained some roadblocks to cultivating a diverse cybersecurity workforce and offered potential solutions, including putting less reliance on formal certification.


Chris Inglis scopes out cyber turf

The newly installed National Cyber Director offered his take on the roles and responsibilities of his office, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the National Security Council and agency IT and security operations in responding to federal cyber incidents.


White House hits the gas on zero trust

Newly released strategy and technical guidance documents covering zero trust and cloud security are open for comment as part of a federal push to improve federal government cybersecurity.


House panel mulls mandatory disclosure bill

Industry reps at a hearing of the House Homeland Security Committee were supportive of new requirements to report hacks, but want more clarity on how to report and what constitutes a covered incident.


Christopher Krebs: Truth and consequences

Krebs spent 2020 working furiously to ensure the integrity of our elections, while also ensuring that ransomware, software supply-chain vulnerabilities and a range of other rapidly escalating risks didn't cripple government operations or the nation's critical infrastructure.