Digital Government

In Congress, election security proposals aim at 2020 cycle

Many of the proposals to fix election security would likely have limited effect in the short term.

Digital Government

DHS, states drill on election security

Tabletop training helps states, election officials and DHS see how election cybersecurity detection and response plans might work.

Digital Government

When government websites fail

The FCC’s site went down last year not because of a DDoS attack, but because it couldn’t handle the traffic spike. So who’s responsible for making sure that doesn’t happen?

Digital Government

4 House Intel members offer election security bill

A Senate proposal to secure the U.S. election system has a companion bill in the House and a prominent Republican co-sponsor.

Digital Government

How does federal CX stack up against the private sector? Not well

The latest rankings find agencies' scores flat -- and still far behind commercial averages.

Digital Government

Agencies want standard survey for acquisition feedback

Three agencies have begun the process of creating a universal feedback form for the Acquisition 360 effort that would allow public reviews of federal acquisitions.

Digital Government

White House looks to GEAR up

The Trump administration wants input on a new center that would bring together government and industry researchers and academics to help modernize processes and services.

Digital Government

Officials push for more election security dollars

A $380 million appropriation for election security is going to run out before the November elections, and House Democrats and some state officials are looking to renew the funding.

Digital Government

House zeroes out $380M in voting security funding

A House-passed appropriations bill eliminates $380 million in grants to states to support election security, despite efforts by some Democrats to maintain the funding.

Digital Government

Draft data strategy pushes transparency, quality, privacy

The Trump administration's federal data strategy met its first milestone, the release of an initial set of draft principles.

Digital Government

$150M in federal funds for election security is already out the door

DHS' money and expertise are helping states secure election systems, but some officials are still wary of federal overreach.


Data gap in immigration systems could keep families separated

If the just-suspended border separation policy is ever resumed, officials may have to confront the fact that disparate immigration systems are not equipped to handle the reunification of separated families.

Digital Government

CBP's remote arrivals app to launch nationwide

Customs and Border Protection will roll out a smartphone app allowing travelers who cross into the U.S. in remote locations to use their mobile devices to interact with customs agents.

Digital Government

Senate Dems look to shore up voting security

The Protecting Americans Votes and Elections Act sponsored by six Senate Democrats looks to digital ballot uncertainty by requiring paper ballots for all federal elections.

Digital Government

Code for America, civic tech and DOD

Defense Department digital experts were invited to speak at the recent CfA Summit, and some attendees took offense. Steve Kelman argues that civic tech should embrace such debates.

Digital Government

CFPB techies blast talk of taking down complaint portal

Should the government continue to host a Yelp for financial services? The people who built it think it should.

Digital Government

Senate Intel offers election security guidelines

A new report on election security by the Senate Intel committee calls for paper backups for state voter registration databases, risk assessments for voting machine manufacturers and better sensor technology for state and local election systems.

Digital Government

Data-driven policy bill stalls in the Senate

A bill to drive evidence-based policymaking and require chief data officers at agencies has the support of the House Speaker, but remains stuck in the Senate.

Digital Government

USDS in action

Steve Kelman digs into the actual mechanics of a U.S. Digital Service team's partnership with a particular agency.

Digital Government

GSA chief says citizen services will be a focal point in FY2019

IT modernization funds and real estate questions also featured prominently at an April 17 hearing on the General Services Administration's appropriation.