Digital Government

Can AI tools replace feds?

The Heritage Foundation is recommending that hundreds of thousands of federal jobs be replaced by automation as part of a larger government reorganization strategy.

Digital Government

Census walks back tech solution to population count

The Census Bureau expects to nearly double the number of in-person household visits -- and in turn, the total burden hours -- during its critical dress rehearsal test.

Digital Government

VA's legacy systems aren't ready for the Data Act

A just-released oversight report reveals that the legacy systems at the Department of Veterans Affairs aren't ready to support many Data Act requirements.


What can the U.S. learn from the world's largest biometric ID system?

India's biometric identification program needs to better document how it's being used by the public and governments, according to independent researchers.

Digital Government

Federal student loan data targeted in fraud

Officials have declined to prosecute in a case where employees at a private firm tampered with a federal student loan database.

Digital Government

Amid DHS leadership shuffle, voting systems remain vulnerable

Continued resistance from state officials and some members of Congress is also an issue, says a former DHS chief.

Digital Government

SSA expands customer-service systems

The Social Security Administration is building out a new electronic records system, a major initiative of its long-term plan to modernize and improve customer service.

Digital Government

IGs build one-stop shop for oversight

A new website will give the public access to inspector general reports and records across federal government.

Digital Government

DeVos scraps multibillion tech procurement

Facing a potential bipartisan revolt on Capitol Hill, the Trump administration scrapped its plans for a new student loan servicing platform.

Digital Government

Lawmaker proposes cyber squad to educate campaign pros

Rep. Terri Sewell wants the federal government to take a hand in improving the cyber hygiene of political campaigns.

Digital Government

Census pares down critical dress rehearsal

The Census Bureau’s decisions to pare down operations and tests of IT systems to manage its finances in advance of the decennial count have extended to the critical 2018 dress rehearsal.

Digital Government

Is Congress transparent enough?

Legislative data is public and online, but transparency advocates are looking to make more-granular aspects of the lawmaking process easier to track and understand.

Digital Government

Career official assumes Census leadership as key tests loom

Two career officials will serve as Census director and deputy director as the bureau faces multiple test and challenges in the run-up to the 2020 enumeration.

Digital Government

Is the Data Act proving out?

Key sponsors of the Data Act from both parties have good things to say about the financial information being released under the law.

Digital Government

FCC sets criteria for state FirstNet networks

FCC approves review measures for states' alternative plans to connect to the FirstNet nationwide wireless emergency responder network.

Digital Government

AT&T rival targets FirstNet opt-out states

FirstNet and AT&T made their plans for states' wireless broadband network available, starting what might be a contentious state-by-state battle.

Digital Government

IT acquisition reform's time is now

Promising examples abound, but real leadership focus is needed to achieve meaningful digital government services and security.

Digital Government

Census funding falls short of Obama-era plans

President Trump's budget proposal falls almost $300 million short of his predecessor's proposal for fiscal year 2018, raising concerns that an already-challenged census could be in historic trouble.

Digital Government

How tech, laws and leadership impede digital diplomacy

Digital diplomacy, a priority for the State Department under the Obama administration, appears to be at a crossroads.