Digital Government

With hacks on the rise, is it time to revisit a national ID?

Our process for verifying people's identities is broken, leading some to revisit the idea of a national ID system. But politics, cybersecurity and other concerns loom large in the debate.

Digital Government

Doing digital differently at VA

The Department of Veterans Affairs CIO explains why digital transformation is not optional.

Digital Government

Windows 7 woes crash into 2020 election cycle

Financial, technical and bureaucratic hurdles are making it more difficult for states to patch their election-related software and move on from an expiring Windows operating system.

Digital Government

Why CX in government is no longer optional

In the era of big data, comprehensive CX programs are recommended for any enterprise to understand every aspect of customer interaction and perception. Though much has changed, that old adage that "the customer is always right" endures.

Digital Government

Watchdog urges IRS to expand e-filing

The inspector general at IRS wants the agency to ditch its error prone and largely manual process for examining amended individual tax returns and allow users to submit their changes through the same streamlined e-filing portal used for original returns.

Digital Government

Hill Democrats target McConnell in election security push

Congressional Democrats are sounding the alarm on the security threats facing the 2020 elections -- and bashing the senator they feel is most responsible for legislative inaction.

Digital Government

Three states responsible for half of all paperless e-voting machines in 2018, survey finds

Policymakers and experts know that paperless DRE voting machines are confined to a small number of states, but new survey results demonstrate just how concentrated the problem is.

Digital Government

How a VC model can help government 'spin in' commercial innovation

Federal agencies should adapt external engagement models from corporate venture capital to take advantage of innovation in the commercial sector.

Digital Government

Federal CX picks up speed

Customer experience has become a driver for agencies modernizing their IT systems.

Digital Government

Your personal data is too public for agencies to verify

The widespread loss and theft of data on Americans has made a once popular form of remote identity proofing obsolete, and agencies need to start looking into other options.

Digital Government

Funding bill boosts IRS tech

The House Appropriations committee voted up a bill that includes funds to modernize IRS systems and security and restore critical hiring and pay authorities last available in 2013.

Digital Government

Former Facebook security chief: hack and leak campaigns are the new normal

The personal devices and private email accounts of campaign and political staff are difficult to protect from determined political and nation-state adversaries.

Digital Government

SSA to offer electronic verification of Social Security numbers

An anti-fraud measure under a 2018 banking law requires the Social Security Administration to build an electronic verification system, but first industry has to help pay for it.

Digital Government

House Dems offer $35 million for TMF

The central tech fund gets a slight increase in 2020, but proposed funding for the federal CIO office is down almost 50% from 2019 levels.

Digital Government

6 ways for government CDOs to succeed

The government agency chief data officer role comes with nuances, and to ensure success, officials need to be mindful of far more than simply structuring datasets.

Digital Government

Employees, research drive CX innovations at Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs is looking to improve customer experience by changing its culture and tapping its own workforce for innovative ideas.

Digital Government

Congress focuses on money and staffing in election security

The head of the Election Assistance Commission told lawmakers that it needs more money and people to play its part in defending U.S. elections against cybersecurity risks.

Digital Government

States, experts ask EAC for more flexibility in voting machine standards

There is concern in some quarters that the bureaucratic process outlined by the Election Assistance Commission may prevent voting machine standards from keeping up with the times.

Digital Government

Peak census web traffic pegged at 120,000 simultaneous users

The Census Bureau is expecting a maximum of 120,000 concurrent respondents to its internet self-response page during the 2020 population count, but it's preparing for much higher loads.

Digital Government

Advocacy group sues Education Department over blacklisted website

The advocacy group Public Citizen claims that the Education Department networks are blocking its website.