Digital Government

Launch delay won't open weather data gap, NOAA says

NOAA bumped the launch of a key weather data collection satellite to October 2016, but the agency doesn't anticipate a gap in weather forecast data because of the change.

Digital Government

How CDOs are putting 'useless' data to work

Cleaning, cataloguing, counseling – it's all part of the job for agency data gurus as they seek to surface useful data for their colleagues and customers.

Digital Government

Commerce hires first chief data scientist

Jeffrey Chen is helping to spin up a new data service at the Commerce Department.


BIS dinged on cyber posture by Commerce IG

The Bureau of Industry and Security lacks a full inventory of network-connected devices and isn't doing all it can to protect against cyberattack, according to a new report.

Digital Government

What Congress can do to maintain trans-Atlantic data flow

Lawmakers may need to pursue comprehensive surveillance reform to keep the EU participating in the data flow pacts that have become crucial to the economy.


DOE CISO heads to Commerce

Rod Turk is returning to the Commerce Department after a year at Energy.


FirstNet woos potential bidders

With initial funding and spectrum secured, the public safety broadband network must actually start building soon. And that will require the cooperation of telecom firms.

Digital Government

USPTO hoping for some iconic collaboration

Agency partners with Noun Project to create standard symbols for intellectual property concepts.


ICANN handoff officially delayed

It will be at least another year before Internet domain naming and addressing functions are handed off to a global, multi-stakeholder body.

Digital Government

How the Census Bureau evangelizes open data

Apps using open data to solve civic problems were showcased at Census Bureau demo day.


Is public growing 'desensitized' to breaches?

Monzy Merza, chief security evangelist for operational intelligence software firm Splunk, worries that the OPM hack will lead to less concern over smaller but still dangerous incidents.

Digital Government

Can NOAA pay industry to fill its weather data gap?

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration must balance its treaty obligations to provide weather data freely to the world against the private-sector innovation that weather data property rights could unleash.

Digital Government

NTIS tries to refocus on data

The new plan is for the National Technical Information Service to become a hub for open data, but some in Congress would still like to shut the agency down.

Digital Government

Census hopes mobile approach works in 2020

The Census Bureau is testing more Internet-based response options and hoping to leverage mobile technology to deliver a more accurate count.


For NOAA, flexible cloud enables mammoth computing

NOAA is harnessing the potential of the cloud – and the innovation of the private sector – to deliver its enormous troves of data to the public.