
Census braces for cyberattacks

With less than a year before the 2020 census officially begins, the bureau knows it'll be a prime target for cybersecurity attackers.

Digital Government

End-to-end census test took place without 2020 tech

A number of the Census Bureau's plans to save money on the 2020 population count need work, according to an agency watchdog.

Digital Government

Enzi wants answers on Census IT costs

Sen. Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), head of the Senate Budget Committee, is worried about growing Census IT costs and staffing challenges.


Final census test to include citizenship question

The Census Bureau is including a controversial question about respondent citizenship on its final test, while courts decide its ultimate fate.


Shutdown could take a toll on EIS

Agencies got extra time to prep for the transition to the $50 billion governmentwide telecom contract, but the partial government shutdown could interfere with those plans.

Digital Government

How the shutdown affects open data

Developers rely on government data to build public-facing apps and services, and a lapse in appropriations can make things complicated.


Shutdown showdown shifts back to the Senate

Lawmakers are hurtling toward a partial government shutdown on Friday, as Trump and House conservatives dig in on wall funding.


House and Senate agree on CR through Feb. 8

It's still not clear if President Trump will agree to punt a confrontation on funding for the border wall until February, when Democrats control the House of Representatives.

Digital Government

Senate passes plan to invest $1.2 billion in quantum research

The Senate has cleared the way for the president to approve implementation of a 10-year plan to accelerate quantum computing research and development.


Census adds test on controversial citizenship question

Amid lawsuits and legal uncertainty, the Census Bureau announced plans to conduct a last-minute field test to measure the potential impact of the citizenship question on response rates and accuracy.

Digital Government

House passes SMART IoT Act

The bill would require the Commerce Department to study the state of internet of things and any existing regulations in the area.


With elections over, CISA focus shifts to risk management center

DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen signaled that her newly minted cybersecurity agency will shift its focus to a number of longer term initiatives around risk and supply chain.

Digital Government

As trial looms, survey shows citizenship question could harm 2020 census

A national opinion study commissioned by the Census Bureau warned a controversial question on citizenship could be a "major barrier" to operations.

Digital Government

Khanna looks to spruce up online government services

Freshman congressman Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) has already introduced a bill to give federal websites a facelift and has rolled out 10 principles on data privacy as the "Internet Bill of Rights."


Lawmakers hear from Trump's pick to lead the Census Bureau

If confirmed, Steven Dillingham will be the first permanent director of the bureau since June 2017, and he would take over after the bureau's 2018 end-to-end test, the final in-field test of systems and operations before the decennial count.


Senior fed is Trump's pick to lead Census Bureau

Steven Dillingham, director of the Office of Strategic Information, Research, and Planning at the Peace Corps, was nominated to lead the Census Bureau through 2021.


Cybersecurity experts worry about census data

A group of former senior cybersecurity officials want the Census Bureau to be more transparent about plans to protect population survey data.


Senate moves to maintain ZTE sanctions

Congress and the White House could be headed toward a showdown over a provision in the Senate defense bill designed to undo a move by President Trump easing sanctions on the Chinese telecom giant ZTE.


Census IT costs close in on $5 billion

Census documents reveal the rising costs of the 2020 census -- and indicate that existing tech can be leveraged to obtain accurate citizenship data without adding a new question to the population survey.


U.S. reverses ZTE ban

After a personal intervention by President Trump, the Commerce Department rescinded export restrictions aimed at Chinese telecom manufacturer ZTE.