
Better Collaboration Tools Need Better Security

Building new technology on a faulty foundation can be a recipe for disaster.


Federal Ban on Chinese Telecom Equipment Takes Effect

Contracting officers will have new disclosure provisions to include in contracts issued after Aug. 13.


How Dissidents Are Using Shortwave Radio to Broadcast News Into China

Pro-democracy forces are locked in a cat-and-mouse game with the Chinese government, playing out on the airwaves, the internet and across the globe.


NASA’s Moon Plans Rely Heavily on Mobile Tech

CIO Renee Wynn weighed in on how America’s space agency embraces mobility.

Emerging Tech

The Role States Are Playing in Expanding Broadband Access

New research offers a window into what states are doing to help get about 20 million Americans who now lack reliable, high-speed internet connected with the service.


Justice Signs Nearly $1B Telecom Services Deal With AT&T

The award is the third under the $50 billion EIS telecom contract as the Sept. 30 deadline nears.

Artificial Intelligence

NSF Seeks Ideas for Using Artificial Intelligence to Boost the Wireless Spectrum

The agency is hosting a workshop highlighting the opportunities and challenges for artificial intelligence applications across the wireless spectrum.


How to Choose Between the U.S. and China? It’s Not That Easy.

Caught between its security ally and its top trading partner, South Korea is trying to have it all.


Bipartisan Legislation Targets Chinese Firm Huawei

Congress wants to up its authority on emerging tech threats from China.

Emerging Tech

Telecom Officials Defend America’s Position on 5G Landscape

American companies may not be Huawei, but they're innovating 5G in their own ways.

Emerging Tech

Former FCC Chairman Explains Why 5G Isn’t a Race

Tom Wheeler wants to bust the misrepresentations about the next-gen network.


Figuring Out How to Go After International Robocallers

The FCC will vote on a proposed rule next month that would ban malicious caller ID spoofing for text messages and robocalls that originate outside the United States. State attorneys general have long requested federal assistance with complaints about robocallers from out of the country.


Watchdog: Poor Oversight Put GSA’s $50B Telecom Transition Over Schedule, Over Budget

The agency hired contractors to help with a smooth transition but ended up spending lots of money for little movement.


Report: Pentagon Should Assume U.S. Satellites Are Already Hacked

As U.S. and its allies tether more of their military operations to government and commercial satellites, they need to start taking cybersecurity more seriously.


Collaboration the Key to Resolving Spectrum Skirmishes

Spectrum is limited but it doesn't have to be a zero-sum game.


What Would 5G Technology Mean For Government?

The next big leap forward for cellular phone service is approaching.

Emerging Tech

States Move Ahead With Digital License Plates

Maryland is the latest state to launch a pilot program to test the technology for consumer use.