
CBO, NASA and White House add to growing infographics trend

Sophisticated infographics are growing in popularity on the Web, and federal agencies are joining in.


More senators take aim at conference spending

Several senators are advocating for reforms to agencies' annual spending on conferences, including proving that the conference advanced the ageny's mission.

Digital Government

Senator wants approvals for conference spending

Under a forthcoming bill, a senior agency official would have to give approval for any conference costing more than $200,000.


Contracting reforms could come in the next defense authorization bill

Rep. Sam Graves, whose Small Business Committee already approved eight small-business contracting reform bills, is asking for similar measures to appear in the fiscal 2013 National Defense Authorization Act.

Digital Government

Issa scolds IG about slow reporting

Issa's oversight committee regularly receives updates from IGs, but not from GSA IG Miller regarding his investigation of the lavish Western Regions Conference.


Transparency groups say THOMAS legislative website is outdated

The Library of Congress' THOMAS system for researching current legislation is behind the times, according to more than two dozen watchdog groups.

Digital Government

How the Vegas conference fiasco could spell disaster for feds

The General Services Administration conference debacle comes at a time when feds' pay and benefits are under attack, and the last thing feds need is for the public to associate federal employees with wasteful bureaucrats.

Digital Government

A senator's inauspicious rise

Former Sen. George Mitchell recalls his first day in Congress.


Senator knocks government spending on contractors

Federal spending on contractor services is out of control and must be reined in, according to Sen. Claire McCaskill.


Industry cybersecurity efforts fall short, experts say

Officials stop short of calling for government regulation of industry cybersecurity but tell a House panel, "It's not working."


Zients: Why streamlining government makes sense

Senior official at OMB lays out why reorganization authority is "common sense and good management."


House Republicans issue answer to Senate cybersecurity bills

Reps. Mary Bono Mack and Marsha Blackburn unveil the House's version of a cybersecurity bill that mirrors Senate Republicans' SECURE IT Act.


GAO sting operation exposes pervasive counterfeit parts problem

GAO finds it's all too easy to get fake electronics for military weapons systems.


Democrats' budget spares feds, ends sequestration

The Democrats' budget plan is a "clear contrast" to one proposed by the Republicans.


Congress to overhaul federal cybersecurity laws

Congress is asking for input as it overhauls the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002.


Congress won't subject analysts to lobbyists' rules

Controversial clause is eliminated, for the moment at least, but not without objections.

Digital Government

Members of Congress not afraid to go off-topic on Twitter

If you are following a member of Congress on Twitter, don't be surprised if the conversation turns to recipes and sports.

Digital Government

OMB: Consolidation power 'crucial' to leaner government

OMB official argues for the importance of giving the president the authority to merge and reorganize agencies.


GOP budget plan gets thumbs-up from House panel

Plan includes extending federal pay freeze, reducing workforce.

Digital Government

Bill would limit contractor salaries

Two members of the Senate last week introduced bipartisan legislation that would limit contractor salaries paid by federal tax dollars to $400,000 -- the same as the president's salary.