
Hey, Congress—if you're looking to cut spending, go after wasteful software contracts

Legacy software companies have spammed federal agencies with outdated, costly and ridiculously complex software assets that impede actual IT modernization.


Veterans Affairs committee Dems offer bills to streamline VA operations

The two proposals would seek to consolidate business functions at the agency and independently verify and validate IT modernization efforts.


New bills look to help small water systems tap cybersecurity help

New legislation looks to set aside $10 million to help subsidize fees for small utilities to join the Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center.


Federal procurement is poised for reform—here's what to keep in mind

Increased collaboration between the private and public sectors will help all parties involved understand how best to modernize government systems while minimizing potential disruptions to critical operations.


House, Senate Dems push bill to prevent the next Schedule F

The latest legislative proposal to block presidents from unilaterally stripping federal workers of their civil service protections creates additional barriers to reclassifying employees.


Inflation, workforce issues challenge defense contractors amid security pivot

The defense industrial base is facing workforce and inflationary headwinds just as the U.S. is refocusing its strategic lens on competition with China and Russia.

Digital Government

White House looks to shore up public trust in government websites

Federal agencies need to use 'memorable' and succinct domain names for government websites, per guidance issued on Wednesday.


House panel presses FAA to speed up modernization

Members of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure pressed an FAA official on what it would take for the agency to modernize faster, including its plans to update a system that caused a nationwide ground stop last month.


Government watchdog warns on cyber weakness

The federal government has not yet addressed nearly 150 recommendations previously issued by the Government Accountability Office to help strengthen national cybersecurity, according to a new report.


Congressional Democrats propose an 8.7% pay raise for feds in 2024

The annually introduced bill would provide a 4.7% across-the-board increase in basic pay and an average 4% increase to locality pay.


Fourth time around for vulnerability disclosure bill

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) is taking yet another stab at getting the executive branch to tell Congress more about its process of disclosing (or stockpiling) zero-day bugs.


Defense industry decries possible GOP-led spending cuts

Trade group letter begs lawmakers to avoid another sequestration deal.


New ranking member could shake up a key Senate oversight committee

The libertarian-leaning Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) has often butted heads with his own party and the opposing one, denounced federal spending and questioned agency authorities.


House Republicans are looking to cut agencies or specific feds' pay by reviving the 'Holman Rule'

The new Congress already has its eyes set on slashing funding at some agencies, and eliminating others altogether.


Shifting left on day one

An IT modernization bill currently moving in Congress would be improved by a focus on building security into software from the very start of the development lifecycle.


Warner calls TikTok an 'enormous threat'

The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said the U.S. regulators have a "huge mountain to climb" when it comes to reducing risks from the massively popular, China-owned social media app.


Software inventory bill could move in the lame duck session

House lawmakers introduced a companion bill to bipartisan Senate legislation designed to improve the efficiency of federal agency software management.


4 things for contractors to watch on Capitol Hill now and into 2023

Professional Services Council president and CEO David Berteau rates the chances of Congress passing a fiscal 2023 appropriations package and looks at the possible fallout of the midterm elections on contract spending.


Deadline looms for plan to restart economy in case of major cyberattack

Lawmakers have been urging the Biden administration to develop a strategy first mandated in the Fiscal 2021 NDAA.