Digital Government

The Hot New Thing in Dockless Electric Scooters: Docks

Cities are desperate to tame the sidewalk chaos of the e-scooter industry. As companies weigh dock options, one startup offers a solar-powered solution.

Emerging Tech

How an App for Gamers Went Mainstream

Discord has become an indispensable tool for internet creators to connect with their fans.

Digital Government

Your Health Data Are a Gold Mine for Advertisers

In the hospital and at home, illness data can be lucrative.

Emerging Tech

The Servant Economy

Ten years after Uber inaugurated a new era for Silicon Valley, we checked back in on 105 on-demand businesses.

Emerging Tech

Lawmakers Demand Answers on Surprise Microphones Inside Google Nest

The group wants Google CEO Sundar Pichai to provide answers—in writing, and in person—on the microphones discovered in Nest products.


FaceTime Is Eroding Trust in Tech

Tech paranoiacs have been totally vindicated.

Emerging Tech

Google Streamlines Search Data Controls

This change could be in response to some recent controversies.


Mozilla Tests Firefox VPN Service

The popular browser is seeing whether users will pay a monthly fee for extra privacy.


Facebook Introduces Bug Bounty Program For Third-Party Apps

The company will accept reports discovered from passive viewing only.


Report: Trump’s Latest Tariffs Will Stunt Cloud Market, Federal Adoption

A 25 percent tariff will lead to higher costs for agencies and might slow U.S. cloud adoption, analysts say.

Emerging Tech

Google’s Larry Page Thinks We’ll Soon Be Soaring Over Traffic in These Cute Flying Cars He’s Building

For now, the Flyer is clearly a novelty, meant to appeal to the ambitions and pocketbooks of wealthy hobbyists.

Emerging Tech

Google Chrome Will Soon Stop Videos from Autoplaying

Making your web-browsing experience a little less annoying, one step at a time.