
Judge issues stay in JEDI protest case

Oracle's lawsuit against the Department of Defense looking to stop its $10 billion cloud buy is being frozen temporarily while DOD probes conflict-of-interest allegations.


House panel launches probe of outside influence on VA

Allegations of the shadowy influence of three Mar-a-Lago cronies of President Trump on the inner workings of the Department of Veterans Affairs has prompted a congressional probe.


Final census test to include citizenship question

The Census Bureau is including a controversial question about respondent citizenship on its final test, while courts decide its ultimate fate.


What's next for procurement after the shutdown?

Acquisition agencies are prepared for, but not necessarily expecting, a surge in post-shutdown buying.


Judge in JEDI case limits documents, witnesses

Oracle's push to crack open Amazon's bid to run the DOD's $10 billion cloud program and hear from former Amazon employees was rejected by a judge.


A better way to manage modernizing funds

Implementing modern procurement technology and best practices is an investment, not an expense, which will deliver returns over time.


Small biz left holding the bag on pre-shutdown work

Without the cash reserves and diverse portfolios of major contractors, small businesses with contracts at shuttered agencies are facing big problems.


Education reboots multibillion procurement after lawsuit

The government is looking to modernize and streamline the technology it uses for the processing and servicing of the $1.4 trillion loan portfolio guaranteed by the Education Department's Federal Student Aid office -– but it's taking a while.


What's driving federal IT in 2019?

Disruptive technologies, customer experience, security are coming to the fore in the federal IT landscape.


Acquisition frozen at DHS due to the shutdown

The Department of Homeland Security acknowledged that the government shutdown, now over a month old, is hampering the ability of the agency to respond to contract solicitations.


Shutdown could take a toll on EIS

Agencies got extra time to prep for the transition to the $50 billion governmentwide telecom contract, but the partial government shutdown could interfere with those plans.


IG: GSA ignored emoluments issue when reviewing Trump lease

A watchdog report asserts that General Services Administration lawyers gave possible emoluments clause violations the short shrift in a review of President Trump's hotel lease.


DOD acquisition reform panel looks to sunset Clinger-Cohen

The final report from the Section 809 Panel charged with defense acquisition reform thinks the era of the central CIO might be coming to a close.


Rights groups urge top tech vendors to stop selling facial recognition systems to governments

Warning that facial recognition systems "exacerbate historical and existing bias" that hurts disadvantaged communities, a coalition of 85 civil rights groups asks Amazon, Google and Microsoft to stop selling the tech to governments worldwide.


DOD's health data exchange running on bridge contract

The system that allows the Department of Defense to share health data across multiple legacy platforms and with outside providers is running on a sole-source bridge contract while a bid protest is being resolved.


DOD audit sparks new financial database

David Norquist, now acting deputy secretary of defense, discussed the Pentagon's pilot database to help track spending and utilize data analytics


Shutdown entering uncharted waters, with impacts on 2020 budgeting

Furloughs and unpaid work have "a rotting effect on morale," said one former agency CFO. "That is an overarching concern in reopening after a shutdown of significant length – and I think we're at that point now."


SEWP still selling through the shutdown

NASA is operating without a congressional appropriation but its key governmentwide acquisition vehicle is navigating the shutdown so far.


What to expect from Shanahan's DOD

The leadership personnel shuffle at the Pentagon has outside observers focused on budget, acquisition and business reforms.


Shutdown unlikely to slow EIS planning

The shutdown won't have a significant impact on transition planning for the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions contract, according to one contracting expert. Major IT acquisition vehicles also continue to operate -- at least for now.