
Verizon hits EIS milestone

The telecom is the first of 10 prime contractors on the government's $50 billion communications contract to report success on back office requirements.


USAF edges toward an agile future

Air Force IT acquisition lead Maj. Gen. Sarah Zabel said that agile didn't make the program objectives memo for 2020 but an embrace of agile development remains a goal.


Oracle wins bid to block TRANSCOM cloud award

The Government Accountability Office recommended that the Pentagon terminate its $950 million award to Amazon cloud reseller REAN made under an "other transaction authority."


The evolving role of the CIO

The CIO job has come a long way since the Clinger Cohen Act, but modernization, politics and bureaucratic sprawl continue to shape the position in ways both good and bad.


GSA prods agencies to get on $50B telecom contract

While acknowledging that "change is hard," officials in charge of the $50 billion Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions need agencies to forge ahead with telecom transition.


CDM acquisition gets simpler

The General Services Administration is building more flexibility into the acquisition vehicles for cybersecurity services that are part of the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation Program.


NGA deputy director talks acquisition overhaul

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Deputy Director Justin Poole said the key to acquisition reform is more autonomy.


Senate probes VA's electronic health record spending

Multiple delays in signing a contract for a commercial electronic health record have lawmakers wondering when the money they appropriated will be spent.


Epic won't protest Coast Guard move to Cerner

Acquisition-wise, it looks like smooth sailing for the Coast Guard's plan to join the Pentagon's nascent electronic health records system.


Transcom head warns of cyber risks to civilian infrastructure

At a Senate hearing, Gen. Darren McDew said that the commercial companies the military relies on to move troops and material are too vulnerable to cyberattacks.


ODNI looks to separate CIO, CDO shops

The intelligence director's office is mulling a new approach to CIO and chief data officer roles that stresses more efficient acquisition.


GSA tries to raise the profile of EIS

The General Services Administration added new info on how agencies can tap into its next generation telecommunications contract -- and tied the vehicle more closely to IT modernization.


EIS testing is picking up speed

Eight of 10 contractors for GSA’s next-generation telecommunications contract report progress on required back-office systems tests.


White House: Trump won't intervene in DOD cloud deal

Despite his repeated public venting of anger at Amazon, President Trump won't play a part in the Pentagon's move to award a cloud contract, a spokesperson said.


The IRS wants to talk business

The tax agency's procurement leaders want a more open dialogue with industry, but acknowledge that message doesn’t always make its way down the chain of command.


Why the Army is wary of other transaction authority

Undersecretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy said that while agile acquisition authorities are welcome, there's a risk in using them.


EIS contractors want more time for transition

EIS contractors are chafing under what they see as a slow transition from GSA's old telecommunications contract to its next-generation vehicle.


Lawmakers eye CDM legislation

Legislation may be coming with the aim of putting the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program back on track.


Why CDM vendors need more flexibility

Prime contractors on the government's Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program need the ability to respond with agility to changing threats.


GSA extends wireless bulk buying plan

Citing savings and a developing agile contracting vehicle, GSA gives federal customers more time to work with its wireless blanket purchase agreements.