
GAO sustains protest in $283M Census mobile contract

As the Census Bureau prepares to ramp up its preparations on a tight budget and schedule, the Government Accountability Office decided a critical $283 million contract was not rightfully awarded.

Digital Government

GAO denies Equifax bid protest

The protest had resulted in a controversial (and now suspended) bridge contract from the IRS for Equifax's identity management and taxpayer fraud protection services.


IRS suspends Equifax contract

After a tough congressional hearing and news of more infosec woes at Equifax, the IRS suspended a $7.2 million contract with the credit monitoring agency.


House passes FITARA extension

The bill expands on the 2014 legislation to permanently authorize transparency and risk management in IT investments and extends the sunset dates of data center consolidation provisions.


Let's change the "I" in RFI from information to interaction

To truly work together, government and industry should do a lot more talking.


DHS moves ahead on financial system amid questions from Congress

DHS released the final draft RFP for its financial management system modernization to potential vendors and told them to plan for a late October contract award.


House panel seeks probe of contractor data calls

The Energy and Commerce committee asked the GAO to examine whether the Department of Energy is wasting contractors time and money with superfluous requests.


Navy looks to break ground with collaborative IT contracts

By getting ongoing industry input on contracts from industry, the Navy is expecting to save time. Will it work?


TBM 'years away' from full implementation

Top federal IT officials signaled that they are moving full steam ahead implementing the Technology Business Management framework, but caution that progress will take time.


GSA looks to help startups navigate big contracts

The General Services Administration offers vendors a roadmap to getting on Multiple Award Schedules.

Acquisition downtime to grow during 2017 open enrollment

Uptime for the system will decrease during the coming open enrollment period, in part due to a shortened open season, and in part due to an increase in scheduled maintenance.


USAF awards $1B cloud deal

Dell EMC, Microsoft and General Dynamics are the winners in what's being called the largest-ever federal cloud award.


Crunch time for acquisition portal in defense bill

Reconciliation of the massive defense bill could put new off-the-shelf acquisition sources into the federal acquisition mix, but experts worry about the details.


Navy delays 2018 NGEN award schedule

The Navy announced a five-month delay in its award schedule for two of its IT contracts to implement a new 'sprint' process.


White House's IT policy deadline looms

Administration will collect comments on a draft plan to rethink federal IT through Sept. 20, leading to a final report and a year-long flurry of activity to consolidate networks and develop new cloud policy.


Military IT chiefs want combat-ready infrastructure

Army CIO Maj. Gen. Peter Gallagher said current DOD networks aren't necessarily what's required for the next conflict.


Census delays field IT contract award

As key field tests for the 2020 enumeration approaches, the Census Bureau announced it was going to be later than expected with a key contract award on field IT.


CenturyLink delays Level 3 acquisition

EIS contract winners CenturyLink and Level 3 pushed their acquisition plans back a month for a California utilities commission approval, but don't expect it to affect planning.


Civilian agencies guard their coffers as cuts loom

On a recent earnings call, a CEO at a top federal contractor said that federal civilian customers are reacting to budget pressures by holding back spending, but said there is "continual demand" to upgrade IT.


Why tracking data centers is so hard

The OMB numbers on data center consolidation highlights a recurring problem for the government: the lack of consistent, accurate information around data center ownership.