
$12B Army IT RFP is out

The RFP for IT Enterprise Solutions–3 Services will likely shape Army IT acquisitions for years to come.


DHS cancels $675M cyber support contract

DHS pulled a two-year-old solicitation for administrative support for cyber mission offices.


Former PSC head launches consultancy

After 15 years at the Professional Services Council, Stan Soloway is striking out on his own.


GSA completes initial agency telecom inventory

As GSA awaits bids for its next-generation telecom contract, it completed an important inventory of services that federal agencies are using under current contracts.


FITARA's foundation: data and flexibility

NITAAC's program director argues that GWACs offer IT management benefits that extend well beyond price.


Schedule 70 sees growth in fiscal 2015

After a slowdown in previous years, GSA's biggest, most widely used contracting vehicle experienced modest growth in fiscal 2015, according to its manager.


Post-award contract management: Trying to figure out what is happening on the ground

Steve Kelman applauds ASI Government for sharing valuable knowledge -- and notes that there are still plenty of other questions to answer.


GSA hopes Salesforce BPA leads to other targeted efforts

The new governmentwide Salesforce deal paves the way for other software platform acquisition efforts.

Digital Government

18F lends the contracting community a hand

Steve Kelman points to GSA's CALC tool as an example of what smart collaboration can accomplish.


CIOs struggle to quantify success

Watchdogs often put a price tag on failed IT projects, but what about successes? CIOs say it's tough to communicate the value of an IT project gone right.


What CIOs really want from contractors

A willingness to play a small part in bigger projects is the way to win over future-thinking government IT executives.


House panel to move on IT, workforce measures

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform plans to mark up new legislation on IT security, personnel and contracting.


A plea: How can we get more resources and talent for post-award contract management?

Steve Kelman looks to start a conversation around the too-often-ignored task of managing government contracts.

Digital Government

Build or buy? Critical Census IT decisions loom in 2016

The coming year is full of critical milestones as the Census Bureau prepares for 2020, but fundamental strategy questions remain unanswered.


DHS expands CenturyLink's work on Einstein

DHS awarded an expansion contract to help extend Einstein 3 Accelerated protections to civilian agencies by year's end under the new cybersecurity strategy.


FEMA updates IT acquisition plans

The Federal Emergency Management Agency provided a look at its IT modernization strategy for the coming year.


The key to successful IT consolidation efforts

Application portfolio management is a vital component of agencies' efforts to do more with less while keeping the focus on achieving their mission.


Regina Kassar

At Red Team Consulting, Kassar helped small and midtier companies find opportunities in the federal marketplace.


Sun could be setting on DUNS

Open-government advocates have long criticized the reliance on the proprietary DUNS identifier in federal contracting, and it appears that some agencies are listening.


GSA mulls new cloud acquisition vehicle

The General Services Administration wants to home in on the needs of federal cloud customers as it considers replacing soon-to-expire blanket purchase agreements.