
GSA widens telecom collaboration efforts

The first of three sessions on the NS2020 strategy provided a glimpse of industry concerns about the Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions contract.


Overcoming fear of the inspector general

Kymm McCabe warns that overly aggressive oversight is costing a fortune and killing off needed communication.


Backseat drivers plague procurement

Acquisition officers get too much advice from people who can't move the process forward, says Army Assistant Secretary Heidi Shyu.


GSA looks for help in category management

A Federal Acquisition Service RFI seeks help in both day-to-day implementation and changing the culture.


NS2020 sparks deluge of questions

GSA's telecom contract draft RFP is drawing plenty of attention from industry and agencies.


Kendall welcomes House acquisition reform bill, with caveats

The Pentagon's top acquisition official says provisions concerning the service chiefs and acquisition experience for personnel need improvement.


TSA is running out of space

The base requirements for a new data storage system include delivery, installation and migration of a minimum 480 terabytes.


Cyber takes center stage in Pentagon's new acquisition guidance

Better Buying Power 3.0 adds cybersecurity to the list of potential trouble spots in weapons, IT and other acquisitions.


FAA delays procurement to respond to hack

Unspecified cyberattack prompts agency to rethink its Security Operations Center requirements


DHS retools license plate reader proposal

A previous effort to obtain license plate reader capabilities was terminated after public outcry over privacy concerns.


'A tale of two contracting methods'

As the comment period ends for GSA's Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions contract vehicle, it begins for the Alliant 2 GWAC. Industry experts say there are some interesting contrasts.


Necessity is the mother of Navy acquisition reform

The Navy's Innovation Cell is designed to speed up a lumbering acquisition system by getting vendors involved earlier in the process.


Warren: VISTA is here to stay

The pending move by DoD to a system based on a commercial health record system won't alter the data sharing relationship with VA, says the acting CIO.


SEWP V is live (sort of)

NASA is on track to launch the new acquisition contract in May, Program Manager Joanne Woytek said. But some of SEWP V's improvements have already been folded back into SEWP IV.