
Shawn Garrow

This Rising Star has been involved in the Navy's biggest IT projects in recent years, including the Next Generation Enterprise Network.


Cristen Cole

This GSA Rising Star single-handedly provided program management for the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation portfolio in its first year.


Emily 'Millie' Maksymiuk

This self-taught proposal manager has led teams whose winning proposals have resulted in nearly $16 million in contracts for GovSmart.


DIA fleshes out data science needs

While much of the DORE project remains classified, the Defense Intelligence Agency has released a few details about what it is looking for in the areas of Internet of things, social media and open-source support.


GSA works on CAP

"With IT, we will never be done categorizing," said Kevin Youel Page of the Federal Acquisition Service.


A public cloud for NOAA

The agency is seeking information on solutions that can provide virtualization, storage services, network bandwidth, and management tools and capabilities.


NASA rethinks contract awards under latest SEWP iteration

Responding to multiple protests, NASA said that until "corrective action is complete, any awarded SEWP V contracts remain suspended."


Altman, Murphy, Sanghani recognized by contractor community

The Greater Washington Government Contractor Awards also honored Agilex, American Systems, Arc Aspicio, Eagle Ray and IndraSoft.


IG: DOD lacks quality management approach

The Defense Department lacks an overarching policy to consistently apply quality management system requirements, according to a Pentagon inspector general report.


DHS inks temporary myE-Verify contract

The myE-Verify application will allow workers to check the information on their I-9s to see if the E-Verify system would confirm their eligibility.


The future of FedRAMP

The General Services Administration's Matthew Goodrich predicts more agency-driven authorizations and previews a new two-year road map.


Verizon gets ATO for federal enterprise cloud services

Verizon’s Enterprise Cloud: Federal Edition joins a relatively small but growing pool of ATO-approved cloud service providers.


Contractors struggle with 'patchwork' of cybersecurity regulations

The hack of USIS, and OPM's subsequent decision not to renew the background-check firm's contracts, has cast new light on government-contractor relations. Some legal experts believe the protocols for reporting data breaches are a tangled web.


Rung looks to procurement workforce, collaboration

Specific proposals on hiring will be forthcoming soon, says the Office of Federal Procurement Policy administrator.


Accenture 'confident' about open enrollment

The firm does not expect a repeat of the problems that plagued the website a year ago but acknowledges that challenges lie ahead.


CBP stops background checks to wait for PII upgrades

The DHS agency filed justifications for changes to blanket purchase agreements with a handful of IT systems providers.


DHS to embed researchers 'on the ground'

The Science and Technology Directorate will deploy research personnel to DHS components to get a better grip on agency IT needs.


Navy leaders try to speed IT acquisition by reinterpreting the FAR

It takes at least six months to get from RFP to a contract award, and "six months is a lifetime when it comes to security," says the Navy's Victor Gavin.