
HUD Employees Saw Few Disruptions In Shift to Mass Telework, Says IG

The COVID-19 pandemic upended some paper-based processes and led to some network bandwidth issues, but the department has weathered the transition well, the watchdog reports.


Technology for the Next Phase of Pandemic

Moving to later stages of reopening will require advancements in two areas, standardization of care and robust contact tracing.

Digital Government

Pandemic, Civil Unrest Complicate Voting in the Nation’s Capital

Washington, D.C. is among the jurisdictions that encouraged residents to vote by mail to stay safe amid the coronavirus pandemic, but voters who came out to the polls Tuesday still encountered long lines.


CISA Official Sidesteps Controversy over Trump’s Voting Fraud Claims

The official said the agency is focused on protecting the voting infrastructure, not the president’s claims about mail-in voting fraud. 

Digital Government

Bill Would Force Government to Study Telehealth Use During Pandemic

The Health and Human Services Department would collect data nationwide to determine how telehealth fared during COVID-19.


Critical Update: National Labs Pivoted to Help Fight COVID-19. Here's How.

Federal insiders offer a glimpse of how the global health care crisis sparked a new wave of multi-sector collaboration.

Digital Government

Federal CIO Suzette Kent on Tools and Techniques for the New Way of Work

Federal agencies were modernizing their information technology systems and business processes at varying rates. Then came the pandemic.


3 Ways Your Pets Feel the COVID-19 Anxiety, Too

Pets could be feeling secondhand anxiety from their owners.

Artificial Intelligence

Government Innovation in a Global Pandemic

In the crunch of a crisis, federal agencies unleashed bots, artificial intelligence, 3D printers and supercomputers to flatten the COVID-19 curve.


As Virus Keeps Kids From Schools, New Figures Show Millions Lack Home Internet

Meanwhile, a California education official this week said it would take at least $500 million to get students there the computers and internet access they need, and asked the private sector to help.

Digital Government

Survey: Americans Trust Big Tech Over Government in Contact Tracing

More than 75% of Americans feel their privacy is at risk due to measures being taken to combat COVID-19.

Emerging Tech

A Medical-Delivery Drone Service Gets Approval Amid Coronavirus

ZipLine, whose drones have delivered more than 100,000 packages in Africa, will begin flights in North Carolina.


Are Thermal Cameras a Magic Bullet for COVID-19 Fever Detection? There's Not Enough Evidence to Know.

Thermal cameras offer limited accuracy if set up incorrectly.

Digital Government

NIH Explores New Digital Health Solutions to Trace and Fight COVID-19

Two of the agency’s institutes seek new technical tools and data to inform re-entry risks.