Artificial Intelligence

The Pentagon Will Use AI to Predict Panic Buying, COVID-19 Hotspots

The prototype can predict trends in supply and demand and infection down to the zip code.

Digital Government

Federal Spending on COVID-19 Doubles in Last 10 Days

The latest government spending data shows a major jump between April 13 and 23, up to $6.4 billion.


Bill Proposes $2 Billion to Help Students Get Online During the Pandemic

The legislation would mandate the Federal Communications Commission to distribute funds for Wi-Fi hotspots and other devices for internet connectivity.

Emerging Tech

COVID-19 Contact Tracing App Uses Bluetooth 'Garbage'

To work best, the app requires many people to use it, whether they have had COVID-19 or not.


4 Ways to Protect Yourself from Disinformation

Even the most well-intentioned news consumers can find today’s avalanche of political information difficult to navigate.


New Government Technology Could Herald Our New Normal

Perhaps we can get back to something akin to normal but in a safer way.

Emerging Tech

To Understand the Medical Supply Shortage, It Helps to Know How the U.S. Lost the Lithium Ion Battery to China

The failed U.S. effort to dominate global production of the lithium ion battery — which is key to energy independence, automobile innovation and more — holds lessons for leaders grappling with the U.S.’s reliance on China for emergency medical supplies.

Digital Government

Self-Reported Symptoms Pave Way for COVID-19 Forecasting

Researchers are gathering self-reported descriptions of COVID-19-related symptoms nationwide with the help of Facebook and GoogleSelf.

Emerging Tech

Forget Travel Vouchers, Airlines Should Give Customers Cash Back, Senators Say

A group of senators estimates airlines are holding about $10 billion from customers whose travel plans changed due to the coronavirus pandemic.


VA to Distribute Thousands of Facebook Portals to Vets and Caregivers in Isolation

The devices will be distributed in pairs to connect qualifying veterans and caregivers during the pandemic.


We Need Mission-focused Risk Management Programs to Adapt to Changing Circumstances

In the midst of a global pandemic, it is more important than ever to know which systems are critical to our operations.   


New App Uses QR Codes to Trace Coronavirus Exposure

A free, open-source smartphone app permits contact tracing for potential coronavirus infections while preserving privacy.

Emerging Tech

Medical Consortium Aims to Create Network of Virtual Critical Care Wards

The group seeks to support patients in need of critical care in hospitals and other ad-hoc locations using cloud-based communication technology.


Treasury Secretary Says Electronic Stimulus Payments ‘More Secure,' But Are They?

Verifying the identity of people submitting personal information to IRS portals could be a challenge for the agency.

Emerging Tech

OSTP, NIST Team Up to Fine-Tune Search Engines for COVID-19 Research

Researchers are using the present health crisis to help improve search systems and enable clinicians to find better answers quicker.


The Pandemic Is a Clarion Call to Remove Barriers to Innovation

The COVID-19 crisis presents an opportunity to put in place solutions that will benefit us all, now and in the future.