Digital Government

New White House Guidance Says Agencies Should ‘Minimize Face-to-Face Interactions’

The Office of Management and Budget said the government must continue to operate through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Digital Government

Lawmakers Pressure Trump to Issue Federal Telework Executive Order

An increasing number of senators and representatives calling on President Trump to order telework to eligible federal employees and contractors.


Attorney General Prioritizes Prosecuting COVID-19 Scammers

William Barr directed federal attorneys to go after people behind phony cures and phishing schemes. 


Trump Relaxes Patient Data Rules to Allow Doctors to Use Personal Phones for Telehealth

The administration broadened telehealth coverage to all Medicare beneficiaries and eased HIPAA regulations for the duration of the pandemic emergency.

Artificial Intelligence

Government Partnership Offers Cash Prizes for AI Tools That Support Coronavirus Research

A new open research database and artificial intelligence challenge will help the U.S. crowdsource its pandemic response.


Attacks on DOD Networks Soar as Telework Inflicts ‘Unprecedented’ Loads

As DOD scrambles to find equipment for those who can work from home, Pentagon leaders tell personnel: ‘No hand-shaking, no high-fives,” and clean your workstations.

Digital Government

White House Asks Agencies to Stop All Travel That Is Not Mission Critical

Work trips to areas with community spread of the virus should only be undertaken if they are critical to protecting life and property, OMB says. 

Digital Government

Senator Calls on Administration to Offer Flexibilities on Security Clearance Adjudications for Coronavirus

Sen. Warner wants to ensure that coronavirus financial hardships don’t negatively impact intelligence community employees and contractors.

Digital Government

CDC Demands Airlines Provide More Passenger Data During COVID-19 Outbreak

Airline officials that don’t comply with a new rule could face $500,000 fines and jail time.


COVID-19 Forces a New Approach to Public Health Communications

No one likes to wait for answers to questions regarding health issues, especially when there is a lot of uncertainty and conflicting information.

Emerging Tech

Military Scientists Hope To Have Coronavirus Therapeutic By Summer

A new approach would use RNA or DNA to help the body develop antibodies to the rapidly spreading illness.


How Feds Can Work Safely Despite Coronavirus

Technology has made it so that many workers can do their jobs from home, especially if the right precautions are taken.

Digital Government

Coronavirus Cases to Jump with Increase in Testing Capacity

Health officials said Monday that as testing shifts from public labs to commercial labs the number of coronavirus cases will increase. The insufficient testing capability has been a major criticism of the disease response.

Digital Government

Federal Experts’ Tips for Effectively Managing Remote Teams

Whether permanent or as part of a contingency plan, teleworking requires a combination of culture changes and technology.