
IRS Suggests Need to Disclose Crypto Exchange Information to Law Enforcement

A letter the tax bureau sent to a key senator says stronger penalties for failure to report cryptocurrency-based income gains might also help deter cyber criminals.


Treasury Considering State and Local Grants to Implement Digital ID Systems

The effort to stimulate widespread use of digital identification is aligned with a White House order on cybersecurity and could help defend against ransomware attacks, officials said.

Emerging Tech

Congress Concerned Over Crypto's 'Massive' Energy Needs

The House Energy and Commerce Committee heard witness testimony on crypto’s power consumption, and renewables' role in making the industry sustainable. 


Women Report from the Frontlines of Federal Cryptocurrency Governance

Over the course of 2021, Congress and the administration have recognized significant benefits from diving into the technology, a trend that looks poised to continue.


Senators Ready to Write Clarifying Legislation to Maintain U.S. Leadership in Crypto

Stakeholders fear an overly broad application of the tax provisions beyond virtual currency exchanges.

Emerging Tech

Sixth Member of International Hacking Community Sentenced in SIM Card Scheme

In response to the growing number of SIM hijacking incidents, federal law enforcement is cracking down on perpetrators.


U.S. Government Acts Against Alleged REvil Hackers

The Justice Department announced two indictments while the State Department offered $10 million for information on other conspirators. 

Emerging Tech

Texas Republicans Want to Make the State the Center of the Cryptocurrency Universe

North America’s largest bitcoin mine sits just down the road from the old aluminum plant, about 60 miles northeast of Austin.

Emerging Tech

GSA Opens Bidding on More Cryptocurrency Auctions

The General Services Administration's latest bitcoin and litecoin up for bid is valued at over $268,000.


Treasury Analysis Identifies Cryptocurrency Exchanges Associated With Ransomware

The department is tracking a huge increase in ransomware disclosures but data suggests the events are still grossly underreported.


DOJ Announces Cryptocurrency Enforcement Team

The group will include cybersecurity and anti-money laundering experts looking to crack down on ransomware and other criminal efforts. 

Emerging Tech

Senate Bill Would Direct Treasury to Assess Crypto Mining Rates and Uses Over Time

The bipartisan legislation would require a Congressional report that dives deep into virtual currency use.

Emerging Tech

IRS’ Criminal Investigators Want Help Breaking into Physical Crypto Wallets

The agency’s digital forensics unit is looking for a small business to help make routine processes out of some nascent research into related hardware hacking techniques.


Treasury Sanctions First Cryptocurrency Exchange to Combat Ransomware 

The department also emphasized guidance for victim organizations who risk running afoul of enforcers by paying attackers and failing to report incidents.

Digital Government

Postal Service Law Enforcement Isn’t Fully Tracking Inspectors’ Use of Cryptocurrencies

Investigators reported using cryptocurrencies in nine closed cases. Auditors found another 1,064 that might not have been properly recorded.


Critical Update: Cryptocurrencies to Save the Day?

After activists turned out to kill an amendment that would have set back the cryptocurrency industry, Nextgov decided to look at how the volatile technology can be used as a force for good.


Bitcoin Will Soon be ‘Legal Tender’ in El Salvador – Here’s What that Means

Does making bitcoin legal tender mean every store and merchant in El Salvador will now have to accept digital payments?