
SBInet system could get UAVs

DHS is considering using $100 million in stimulus funds to add unmanned aerial vehicles to the SBInet virtual fence system.


CBP to test trade data programs

The agency will test its collection and sharing of trade data starting in late March.


Vermont issues IT-enhanced driver's licenses

Vermont is the third state to issue enhanced driver's licenses with RFID tags that can be used instead of passports at border crossings.


2010 budget adds to DHS immigration programs

The Obama administration has requested a 6.5 percent increase for the Homeland Security Department, which would raise the department’s discretionary budget to $42.7 billion.


DHS secretary discusses department's IT programs

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said today an initial review showed that a 2012 deadline for DHS to scan for radiation all U.S.-bound sea cargo was not going to work. She also discussed information-sharing.


Technology urged to stop tunnels at borders

Authorities found 93 illegal tunnels under U.S. borders from 1990 to November 2008, according to a new report that recommends more use of tunnel-detection technology.


DHS gets IT money in stimulus

The Homeland Security Department will get about $2.8 billion from the stimulus package; about half of that money will go for IT-related items such as scanners and surveillance systems.


CBP seeks system to detect traffic congestion

U.S. Customs and Border Protection is looking for innovative technologies to monitor incoming traffic within 10 miles of the border between the United States and Canada.


DHS prepares to deploy virtual fence

Lab testing of the Homeland Security Department's SBInet virtual fence revealed minor computer bugs that are expected to be fixed before construction begins in March or April, the program's director said.


Importer data rule goes into effect

A last-minute Bush administration rule requiring importers to file more data on shipments went into effect on schedule on Jan 25.


Audit: CBP weak on IT security

U.S. Customs and Border Protection's information technology security is still a problem, according to a new audit.


Napolitano requests update on northern border security

The new DHS secretary has ordered a review of security on the border between the United States and Canada.


When complexity breeds remorse

As government tries to master big projects, the need for in-house expertise increases.


DHS nominee stresses cybersecurity, border technology

Janet Napolitano, the nominee to be Homeland Security secretary, stressed cybersecurity and border security technology today during her confirmation hearing.


Groups sue Chertoff over E-Verify

Several organizations have filed a lawsuit against Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff that challenges the legality of requiring federal contractors and subcontractors to use DHS' E-Verify system.


New site will monitor private aircraft operators

U.S. Customs and Border Protection has a new Web site that will collect advance information on passengers on private planes who intend to enter the United States.


UAV missions boost tech presence on border

Officials plan to link aerial imagery into a larger network of sensors and other technologies on the Canadian border.