
VA CIO says a zero trust ‘North Star’ is essential to secure veteran data 

VA Chief Information Officer Kurt DelBene told Nextgov/FCW that the department “faces a unique challenge” in adopting zero trust because of the need to secure veterans’ personal information. 


Justice to merge 2 offices in step with cyber implementation plan

The agency has been granted new and important roles under the Biden administration’s plan to safeguard U.S. digital networks.


White House announces new program to designate cyber-secure IoT devices

The Biden administration announced its Cyber Trust Mark labeling program to ensure commercial smart home devices have sufficient cybersecurity tech in place.


Experts warn of financial challenges and gaps in cyber implementation plan 

From a crucial lack of federal funding to longstanding issues with the cyber workforce, experts told Nextgov/FCW that the new cybersecurity implementation plan features major “financial potholes.”


White House unveils fiscal 2025 cybersecurity investment priorities

The administration is urging agencies to align their fiscal 2025 budget requests with recent guidance that prioritizes strengthening federal networks and systems against cyber intrusions.


NIST wants to help prevent a major cyberattack on the water sector

The National Institute of Standards and Technology aims to provide a practical guide to address unique cyber challenges impacting America’s complex water systems.


Vacant White House cyber post draws concern amid global software breach

In the aftermath of a global cyberattack exposing personal data on millions of Americans, calls are growing for the White House to fill the top slot at the Office of the National Cyber Director.


Lawmakers suggest ‘radical transparency’ as key to shoring up US cyber posture

The lessons of Ukraine argue for increased openness about public and private sector cyber attacks, two congressmen said on Monday.


Lawmaker advocates 'all-of-the-above' approach to fix cyber worker shortage

The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee’s cybersecurity panel said a greater focus on cyber education in K-12 schools could help fill the roughly 700,000 vacant cyber jobs across the country.


Public sector apps face widespread security challenges, report reveals

A new study found alarming security vulnerabilities across the vast majority of public applications over the last year.


Experts call for overhaul of 'outdated' critical infrastructure cyber policy

A new report analyzes the federal government’s approach to infrastructure cybersecurity as a key strategy document is getting a rewrite.


DOD Submits Classified Cyber Strategy to Congress

An unclassified fact sheet released by the Pentagon said the new strategy will continue efforts to conduct “hunt forward operations”’ with U.S. allies and “defend forward” activities meant to disrupt threat actors on their own turf.


Securing U.S. Intellectual Property ‘Top Priority’ for Federal Law Enforcement

The FBI and Homeland Security are emphasizing the need to digitally safeguard tech R&D in the U.S. from state-sponsored adversaries.


Cyber Agencies Unveil Updated Ransomware Guide

The 2023 version offers more detailed, step-by-step guidance and associated recommendations to fortify public and private networks against sophisticated ransomware.


Federal Cyber Leaders Emphasize Standards Development for Stronger Networks

The critical infrastructure experts upheld common cybersecurity standards as a key to resilient networks and private sector collaboration.


Transportation Needs to Improve Cyber Policy Implementation, Watchdog Finds

The Department of Transportation should better implement its policies for established cyber roles, including improving training and role expectations, according to a recent GAO report.


Voting Machines Must Be Test Hacked for Certification, Under Proposed Bill

The new law would require cybersecurity penetration testing as part of voting systems’ approval process.


DOD's Zero Trust Initiative is an Unique 'Unity of Effort,' Air Force CIO Says

The Air Force—along with the Pentagon—is also crafting guidance around the safe use of generative artificial intelligence tools and technologies, such as ChatGPT.


Lawmakers Reintroduce Legislation to Bolster Satellite Cybersecurity

The bipartisan proposal directs CISA to provide commercial satellite owners and operators with more resources and recommendations to improve their cyber protections.