
Zero Trust or Bust

One primary consideration should drive implementation: who gets to see what content? 


Here’s How Much Your Personal Information Is Worth to Cybercriminals – and What They Do with It

Though data breaches can be a national security threat, 86% are about money, and 55% are committed by organized criminal groups, according to Verizon’s annual data breach report.


Lawmakers Call for Pentagon to Prioritize Cyber Investments

Rep. Jim Langevin suggested in a hearing the Defense Department has not elevated its focus on the cyber domain enough. 


Army’s Cybersecurity ‘Greatly Concerns’ Wormuth After Pipeline Attack

Biden’s Army Secretary nominee told the Senate she’d fight deep troop cuts and support long-range fires and new measures against sexual crimes and extremism, if confirmed.


Progressive Lawmakers Praise Biden’s Plan for Cybersecurity Labels

Reviews are in on the administration’s long-awaited executive order following several major hacking campaigns.


Cyber Response Bill Advances in Senate

The legislation includes a fund to help impacted organizations pay for remediation efforts.


Biden Issues Executive Order to Bolster Nation’s Cybersecurity

The administration calls for a standardized federal playbook and review board for incident response, as well as changes to software procurement.


Federal Agencies Say ‘No Evidence’ Hackers Affected Colonial’s Operational Technology 

A leading GOP lawmaker is pressuring CISA to release data on the agency’s pipeline cybersecurity initiative. 


Senators Cite Colonial Pipeline Hack in Calling for Cyber Response and Recovery Fund

A hearing on federal agencies’ response to the SolarWinds hack drew attention to communication issues, both with the private sector and within the government.


Here's Why National Cyber Defense Is a ‘Wicked’ Problem

Vulnerable supply chains, sloppy security, and a talent shortage made events like the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack and the SolarWinds hack all but inevitable.


Look to the Roman Empire to Truly Understand Zero Trust

With the network border blurry at best, we no longer have a single and convenient point of telemetry collection to force the attacker in the open.


US, UK Agencies Warn Russian Hackers Are Adapting Based on Government Advisories

The adversary is changing its tools to avoid detection while attacking the vulnerabilities governments issue warnings about. 


Cyberspace Solarium Commissioners Concerned Over Security of Nation’s Water Supply

Having succeeded in passing a number of their recommendations through the last National Defense Authorization Act, the commissioners plan to embrace an oversight role as they push for more new laws.


Critical Update: What Platform One Brings to the Pentagon’s Software Game

Air Force Chief Software Officer Nicolas Chaillan and industry experts explain how Platform One is eliminating barriers to entry for DevSecOps teams.


FedRAMP Board Extends Deadline For Cloud Providers to Pitch Line-Jumping Business Cases

Cloud service providers hoping to secure authorizations to operate at multiple agencies simultaneously got some more time to make a business case for their prioritization by the board.


NSA to Defense Sector: Think Twice Before Connecting Operational Technology to the Internet

The agency recognized benefits such as enabling remote work but notes the inherent risks and costs of putting industrial control system components online.


What Texas Power Outages Can Teach Us About Securing the Electric Grid

Cyber threats have the potential to impact the power grid in a similarly serious manner.


White House Endorses Inclusion of Cybersecurity in Water Infrastructure Bill 

A recent attempt by hackers to poison the water supply in a Florida town prompted calls for more resources.