
CISA Official Calls for Update of Identity Management Guidance in Wake of SolarWinds Compromise

"Identity is everything now," a technical strategist told NIST advisers in a briefing on the hacking campaign.

Digital Government

Cybersecurity and IT Remain Top Concerns on GAO’s High-Risk List

Agencies showed some slight progress on IT issues, though cybersecurity took a step backward in the latest report.


NSA Pushes Zero Trust Principles to Help Prevent Sophisticated Hacks

Operating under the default position that an organization has been compromised is a pain that’s worth it, the agency said.

Digital Government

Cloud Security

Federal agencies are rethinking how they secure information as they move more mission-critical operations to the cloud.


Securing Space: The Next Frontier of Credential-Based Attacks

Like many other sectors, the space industry needs to secure its supply chain from start to finish.


Hearing on Hack Prompts Call for Review of Government’s Cloud Procurement

A key lawmaker highlighted a profit motive for “basic” cybersecurity as problematic following an exchange with Microsoft President Brad Smith.


Hackers Seized on the Pandemic. Some States Are Fighting Back.

Cyberattackers have forced states to take down websites, stolen $36 billion in unemployment payments and exposed millions of residents’ personal information to scammers.


Space Firms Put Aside Rivalries to Share Threat Data

A new clearinghouse has begun gathering and distributing information about threats to space networks, products, and services.


Report: Mobile Phishing to Steal Government Credentials Increased 67% in 2020

State and local governments are more exposed than federal agencies in the new teleworking age, but threats have increased across the board.


Hacking Campaign Fuels Calls for Information Sharing Mandate

Senators weigh potential protections from liability for incident reports amid concerns about cyber hygiene.


CISA, DHS Bolster State and Local Cybersecurity Programs

CISA added another vendor to an intrusion detection plan and DHS increased the required cybersecurity spend for certain FEMA grants. 


CISA Chief Says the Agency’s Global Initiative Is to Support the State Department  

International cybersecurity work of both the State and Homeland Security departments will rely on support from Congress.


FCC Approves Proposal to Increase Eligibility Under Supply Chain Order

The agency’s acting chief has reached out to interagency partners and wants to create a team dedicated to network security issues.


White House Plans Executive Action in Response to Hack Involving SolarWinds  

The official leading the effort said changes are necessary to allow information sharing within the federal government.


NIST Issues ‘Foundational Profile’ for Secure GPS Use

An executive order instructed the Commerce Department to produce profiles—plural—that sector-specific agencies could use to develop contractual language on the issue. 


CISA, FBI Share Recommendations After Water Treatment Hack 

The agencies say updating to the latest operating system is important, even if it wasn’t a factor in this particular incident.