
House Oversight Lawmaker Wants Apple, Google to Step Up Security on Apps With Foreign Ties

Rep. Stephen Lynch seeks commitments from the tech giants to be more transparent about applications on their stores.


Congressman Plans to Propose Cyber Director Amendment to NDAA

Testimony at a hearing of the House Oversight Committee will look to drive home the case for the proposal.


The Defense Bill Could Rewrite How the US Does Cyber Defense

A proposed new office would help private entities and the government respond together to major hacks.


Energy IG Finds Science Offices Skirt Security Rules for Peripheral Devices

Officials tell internal watchdogs securing devices like printers and flash drives is just hard, expensive and inhibits collaboration.


Governments Need Clear Plans to Respond to Disinformation, Experts Say

One of the tricky parts of responding is addressing the conspiracy theories that domestic social media users create but then get amplified by foreign actors, experts said. 


Filter Protects Against Deepfake Photos and Videos

Researchers have created an algorithm that generates an adversarial attack against facial manipulation systems in order to corrupt and render useless attempted deepfakes.


FBI Opens a New China-Related Counterintelligence Investigation Every 10 Hours, Director Says

China is ramping up illegal activity to subvert the U.S. during the pandemic, according to FBI Director Chris Wray.

Digital Government

Coronavirus Fraudsters Keep Prosecutors Busy

State AGs track millions in false loan and unemployment claims.


CISA Stands to Gain Powers Under Both Versions of the Defense Authorization Bill

An amendment on the Senate-side bill would grant the agency subpoena power over internet service providers.


DHS, NSA Conclude Pilot of Automated Mobile App Security Vetting Tool

While the program still has a ways to go, the team says it now has a way to automate mobile app security testing.

Emerging Tech

Industry Calls on Government to Invest Billions for Developing Secure 5G Networks 

Comments to the NTIA also say the administration shouldn’t choose winners and losers to compete with Chinese telecoms giant Huawei.

Digital Government

Defense Information Network to Host Data Repository for Contractors’ Cybersecurity Audits, Official Says

Applications are now available for aspiring assessor organizations, which will also need to have their security certified.

Artificial Intelligence

Defense Authorization Act Clears Key Subcommittee in the House  

The legislation includes some recommendations from the Cyberspace Solarium Commission, but not the main one. 


NSA Revises Guidance on Teleworking Services for Government Users

The agency now notes end-to-end encryption may not be an option for some use cases. 


NSA Piloting Secure Domain Name System Service for Defense Contractors

The effort is meant to help small- and medium-sized companies get more bang for their cybersecurity buck.