Artificial Intelligence

Lawmaker: Congress Needs to Focus on China or Risk Being Lapped

A Hawaii lawmaker said Congress needs more focus—and expertise—on the many threats China poses to the U.S.

Digital Government

China’s Spies Are on the Offensive

China’s spies are waging an intensifying espionage offensive against the United States. Does America have what it takes to stop them?


DHS Asks for Feedback on Vulnerability Disclosure Program

Officials plan to create a public form where security researchers can submit weaknesses they uncover in the agency’s IT infrastructure.


Playing Defense Against Chinese Tech Threats ‘Will Only Get Us So Far,’ Lawmaker Says 

Rep. Mike Gallagher said the government needs to take a more active role in curbing the global rise of Huawei and other Chinese tech companies.


App Failure Led to Long Airport Lines In Third CBP System Crash In Three Years

Technicians were able to reboot the system in a matter of hours but the crash led to significant delays for travelers Friday.


New Tool Reveals Big Vulnerabilities In Mobile Apps That Use Multiple Clouds

The remote servers that power thousands of popular apps harbor a rats’ nest of vulnerabilities.


Federal Ban on Chinese Telecom Equipment Takes Effect

Contracting officers will have new disclosure provisions to include in contracts issued after Aug. 13.


Here’s What Foreign Interference Will Look Like in 2020

The incentives for foreign countries to meddle are much greater than in 2016, and the tactics could look dramatically different.


Postal Service Watchdog Finds New Vulnerability During Security Audit

The inspector general warned exposure could “have a serious negative impact to the Postal Service brand.”


DISA, Cyber Command Are Launching a Zero-Trust Pilot Program

The effort will explore frameworks and technologies that would protect the Pentagon’s networks from unauthorized access.


How Dissidents Are Using Shortwave Radio to Broadcast News Into China

Pro-democracy forces are locked in a cat-and-mouse game with the Chinese government, playing out on the airwaves, the internet and across the globe.


Can New Technologies Restore a Robust Federal Cyber Perimeter?

Many agencies are deemphasizing traditional notions like perimeter security and concentrating more on the concept of resiliency, recovery and ways to mitigate the effects of a breach.


CISA Recommends Three-Pronged Approach for Mobile Security

Part of that is taking on the mindset of your potential attacker, an agency official said.

Artificial Intelligence

DARPA Is Taking On the Deepfake Problem

The agency wants to teach computers to detect errors in manipulated media using logic and common sense.


CISA: Small Planes Vulnerable to Flight Data Manipulation

Pilots would be unable to tell the difference between the real and fake readings, “which could result in loss of control of the affected aircraft,” CISA officials warned.

Emerging Tech

When Trump Threatens Google, Here’s What He Doesn’t Get

Days after the Treasury Secretary cleared the U.S. tech giant of national security concerns, the president was rage-tweeting again.


How to Choose Between the U.S. and China? It’s Not That Easy.

Caught between its security ally and its top trading partner, South Korea is trying to have it all.


Russian Hackers Build Fake Skype, Signal, Pornhub Apps to Lure Victims

Installing the apps activates malware that steals personal data and sends it off to St. Petersburg.