Digital Government

China Won and America Lost on ZTE, but Our Offensive Cyber is Super Awesome

Lawmakers also introduced bills to protect against drones and make sure you get texts about incoming missiles in this week’s bill watch.


Chinese Hackers Targeted Internet-of-Things During Trump-Putin Summit

A spike in attacks sought access to devices that might yield audio or visual intelligence.


If Your Weapons Aren’t Cyber-Hardened, Expect to Lose Pentagon Contracts

The Pentagon intends to start assessing its weapons’ resistance to hacks, instead of leaving that to manufacturers.


Trump Believes Putin, Rejects American Findings on Election Hacking

“I do not see any reason why it would be” Russia, he said when asked if he believed Vladimir Putin over U.S. intelligence agencies.


Russia’s Foreign-Software Approval Service Helps Military Hackers: Report

The agency that ostensibly reviews foreign-made wares for vulnerabilities sends the lion’s share straight to its hacker squads.

Artificial Intelligence

China, Russia, and the U.S. Are All Building Centers for Military AI

But their burgeoning approaches to state-sponsored research are divergent as the countries themselves.


The Chinese Government Likely Knew about Spectre and Meltdown Bugs Before the U.S.

Fixing hardware and software vulnerabilities requires global information sharing—and that includes U.S. cyber adversaries.

Artificial Intelligence

U.S. Needs a National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence, Lawmakers and Experts Say

The government is well-positioned to flag specific research areas that would have the biggest impact on national interests.


Kaspersky Makes Last Ditch Argument to Halt Congressional Ban from Being Implemented

Multiple agencies have set Monday, July 16, as the deadline for the ban to be implemented in new procurements.


Huawei Pushes Back Again on FCC Proposal That Would Hurt Its Business

FCC officials say the Chinese telecom poses a national security threat to U.S. networks.


Trump Administration Considering Regulation as a Tool to Compel Good Cyber Behavior

Regulatory actions will join other tools, such as indictments and sanctions, in the U.S. effort to promote cyber norms.

Digital Government

Congress Studies the 3 Rs: Re-org, Re-clearance, Reauthorization

The bill that would name and shame hackers that attack U.S. targets also advanced.


Banning Software Isn’t the Route to Cybersecurity, Nuclear Security Agency Official Says

The government should be focused on mitigating the danger any software can pose, rather than banning software from China and elsewhere, the NNSA CIO says.


Cyber Researchers Don’t Think Feds or Congress Can Protect Against Cyberattacks

Only 15 percent of cyber researchers think the U.S. can defend against a critical infrastructure cyberattack, according to a survey.


On the Theft and Reuse of Advanced Offensive Cyber Weapons

Last year, North Korea and Russia used a vulnerability stolen from the U.S. government to conduct the WannaCry and NotPetya ransomware attacks.


Trade Tensions With Allies Not Affecting Cyber, Top Diplomat Says

The State Department’s focus now is punishing nations that violate cyber norms, not pushing new norms, the State Department’s Robert Strayer says.


The State Department’s New Cyber Reports Miss the Point Entirely

Amid a crisis in U.S. cyber policy, a pair of reports on deterrence and international engagement offer recycled ideas.