
Diabetes Patients Flood FDA with Comments on Cybersecurity for Medical Devices

As the agency finalizes guidance for approving the sale of devices such as those used to monitor and control glucose levels, the comments highlight competition and consumer protection issues associated with a grassroots movement for the “right-to-repair.”


North Korea Behind Manually Executed Ransomware Attacks, Federal Agencies Say

Officials are connecting the “Maui” ransomware to attacks on the public health sector over the past year. 


China’s Disinformation Warriors May Be Coming for Your Company

A recent attack on a rare-earths processor shows a new facet of information warfare: weaponized NIMBYism.

Digital Government

Updated Digital Forensics Database Speeds Criminal Investigations

NIST’s expanded, more searchable database will help law enforcement find incriminating data in electronic media.


Congresswoman Promotes Cyber Insurance Amid Shifting Policy Landscape

The jury is still out on how using insurance policies to pay ransoms and re-establish systems after a cyberattack affects critical infrastructure organizations’ individual and collective resilience.


Allied Cybersecurity Agencies Advise Against Disabling Popular Tool for Cyberattackers

The Microsoft program—PowerShell—has granted malicious actors in major hacks remote command and control ability over victims, but, by the same token, it can improve cybersecurity management across an enterprise.


GAO: Potential Federal Cyber Insurance Program Should Avoid Moral Hazard

The government watchdog highlighted the need for specific security requirements in recommending other relevant agencies explore the possibility of providing federal assistance to private sector entities following a catastrophic event.

Digital Government

Biden Signs Bill Creating Federal Cybersecurity Rotational Program

Certain cyber and IT federal employees will be able to rotate to other agencies under a new law signed Tuesday.

Emerging Tech

TMF Announces $95 Million in New Funding Focused on Security and Networks

The Technology Modernization Fund is announcing a new set of investments to help three agencies meet White House cybersecurity objectives.


DOJ Ramps Up Efforts To Halt Cybercrime

Through new enforcement and reporting efforts, the Justice Department is attempting to curb online harassment, especially related to vulnerable populations.

Digital Government

The Pentagon Should Keep Better Tabs on IT Cybersecurity, Supply Chain Risks, GAO Says

The findings come as the Defense Department continues to increase its investment in information technology and cybersecurity year over year—a trend that could likely mean more scrutiny.


Russia Might Try Reckless Cyber Attacks as Ukraine War Drags On, US Warns

Ground commanders have been unable to capitalize on at least one previous cyber strike.


White House Official: Administration Urgently Researching Central Bank Digital Currency

As due dates near for agency deliverables under an executive order, the Atlantic Council has produced a report that could help officials inform the president of implications for cybersecurity.


National Cyber Director: Mandates Coming to Secure Commercial Information Technology

An event hosted by the leading trade association for major tech vendors highlighted what has so far been an impasse between government and industry on cybersecurity policy.


China Compromised Telecom Firms Using Known Vulnerabilities, Federal Agencies Warn

The alert comes as the U.S. continues negotiations with countries like Russia and China on what constitutes “cybercrime” at the United Nations.


FBI, DOJ Seize Website Addresses, Associated Illegal Data Sales, Hacking Services

International law enforcement targeted and confiscated three internet domain names that sell cyberattacks and personal information.


Why Commerce Went Against Microsoft on Rule to Control Cyber Exploits

The rule aims to prevent certain countries—most notably China—from receiving U.S. exports that could advance their intrusion and surveillance technology.


CISA, DOD Report Gaps for Agencies Assessing 5G Security Risks

Agency officials identified a lack of guiding standards for determining and mitigating risk from certain implementations of the technology and advised agencies to proceed with caution, employing penetration tests accordingly.


Federal CISO: Recommendations In to Acquisition Council for Software Procurement

Federal CISO Chris DeRusha says he doesn’t want to tie agencies’ hands regarding self attestation versus third-party verification of vendor practices.