Digital Government

DARPA lights up fiber optic technology

Hollow-core fiber optics allow light to travel faster through the pipes.

Digital Government

Say hello to your new robot overlords

DARPA, Boston Dynamics unveil new "humanoid" shell for next robotics challenge.

Digital Government

DARPA contest seeks better use of crowded spectrum

Divided into two tracks to test competition and collaboration, DARPA's Spectrum Challenge is heading for September semi-finals.


What do budget cuts mean for DOD's research arm?

DARPA's leader believes America may be on the cusp of a 'fundamental shift' in allocating funding for defense.


DARPA seeks the next great challenges

"Grand challenges" are ambitious goals, legendary events such as landing on the moon. DARPA is looking for some help in determining what the 21st century's grand challenges will be.


Pentagon sets cybersecurity sights on social media

DARPA is looking for new tools to track social media interaction.


DARPA names new director

Dr. Arati Prabhakar arrives most recently from Silicon Valley, but is no stranger to Washington.


DARPA's advice on passwords: Dump 'em.

The agency's Active Authentication program would use behaviorial traits rather than passwords.


DARPA director leaving

DARPA Director Regina Dugan has accepted a senior executive position with an Internet giant, according to an exclusive report by Wired's Danger Room.


DOD's Android effort begins to bear fruit

DOD's embrace of the Android operating system is just getting started. How did it begin?


DARPA commissioning ad-hoc smart phone network

DARPA and SAIC are set to develop a new mobile ad-hoc network for smart phone use.


DARPA seeks games to test weapons systems

The research arm of the Defense Department is looking for ways to crowdsource weapon systems testing.


DARPA names winner in shredder challenge

DARPA announces a winner for its shredded-document challenge, designed to find out more about handling and exploiting sensitive documents.


Unshred a document, win $50K

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants to improve the way it reassembles shredded documents, and is offering a prize for an effective solution

Digital Government

Government stars rock the house at FedTalks 2011

Now is the best time to be an innovator, says Obama's chief technology officer.


DOD targets new security approaches for the cloud

DOD is finding that the old security techniques, which weren’t that great anyway, won’t be enough in the dynamic world of the cloud.

Digital Government

IG probes favoritism in DARPA contracts

DARPA may have a conflict of interest with a defense contractor closely tied to its director. The IG is launching a series of audits to inquire.


Navy to dismantle James Bond spy ship

The stealth ship inspired a villain's vessel in the James Bond film "Tomorrow Never Dies."


Army could ditch robots for mules

Pack-bearing robots aren't working out in tests, so the Army is considering a return to a proven older method.


Recommended reading

Wiretapping and cloud security; The promise of offshore wind energy; Relinking mind and body.