
CIA Report Prompts Call for DHS Cyber Authority Over Intelligence Agencies

Senator asks the director of national intelligence why his office hasn’t implemented a basic anti-phishing tool like the rest of the government.


U.S. Marshals Service Breach Exposed Personal Data of 387,000 Prisoners

The agency notified affected individuals this month after learning about the intrusion in December.


Preventing Remote Workers from Being Sitting Ducks

Unlike workers in other industries, most federal workers have largely conducted business within the four walls of their agency.


DISA Confirms Data Breach Affecting 200,000 People

Defense officials provided few details but said the affected systems have since been secured.


America’s Hopelessly Anemic Response to One of the Largest Personal-Data Breaches Ever

The government has indicted four members of China’s People’s Liberation Army for hacking into the credit-reporting agency Equifax. The question is why.


Justice Department Attributes Equifax Hack to Chinese Military Officers 

Officials highlight the theft of intellectual property, in addition to personal information.


German Researchers Accessed Service Members’ Sensitive Medical Data—and One Lawmaker Wants Answers

Sen. Mark Warner wants to know what the Defense Health Agency is doing to secure “a significant number” of medical images.

Digital Government

Senators Renew Effort to Safeguard People’s Data Online

The bill would make companies subject to fines from the Federal Trade Commission if they poorly protect data.


Russian Hackers Launch Cyberattacks Against International Athletics Organizations

The attacks come as the World Anti-Doping Agency threatens to bar Russia from participating in major competitions, including the Olympics and other world championship events.


Senators Push FTC to Investigate Amazon’s Role in Capital One Hack

The bank was renting servers from the tech company, which were exploited in the attack. 


Privacy Bill Could Put Dishonest Tech Execs Behind Bars

The Mind Your Own Business Act would expand FTC authorities and introduce comprehensive new protections for consumers’ personal data.


VA Exposes Sensitive Veteran Data to Thousands of Unauthorized Employees

The files included medical records, internal communications and other sensitive information dating back to 2016, the inspector general found.


Survey: Cloud Customers, Not Providers, Increasingly Responsible for Managing Threats 

The Cloud Security Alliance found the issues that traditionally plagued cloud service providers aren’t as big of a problem today.


You’re Probably Not Getting $125 from Equifax Claims, FTC Warns

A rapid influx of claims is already exhausting the $31 million fund for payouts. 


Equifax Will Fork Up to $700 Million to Compensate for 2017 Data Breach

Those impacted by the breach may be eligible to receive up to $20,000 in cash payments.

Digital Government

Federal Employees Suing OPM Score Win in Lawsuit Over Data Hacks

Appeals court overrules district-level finding, says federal employee unions have standing to sue.


CBP Says Thousands of Traveler Photos Stolen in ‘Malicious Cyber-Attack’

The breach happened at one of the agency’s subcontractors and didn’t involve any data collected under its facial recognition program, officials said.


Can One Year of GDPR Teach the U.S. Anything on Privacy?

Technology experts reflect on how GDPR changed companies' approaches to data.


Cyber Espionage Targeting Public Sector Rose 168% In 2018

“Government incident responders must either be cape-and-tights-wearing superheroes, or so stressed they’re barely hanging on by their fingernails.”

Digital Government

House Republicans Want FEMA to Answer for Leaking 2.3 Million Americans' Data

Members of the Committee on Science, Space and Technology want a full briefing from FEMA brass no later than April 18.