Digital Government

A telecommuting break for DISA

Nearly 50 percent of DISA's Fort Meade employees have been approved to work remotely.

Digital Government

Social networking comes to DISA's collaboration site

The Defense Information Systems Agency's new Community tool will help users collaborate on broader issues beyond single projects.

Digital Government

New mobile device policy planned for DOD

New DOD rules for secure mobile technology use is in the works, one official says.


Young feds in government: Make of it what you will

One young fed says how much a person gains from government employment depends on what he or she makes of the experience.


Telework lessons from four federal agencies

A new report shows how four federal agencies overcame technological, operational and management challenges to establish effective telework strategies.

Digital Government

DISA creates 'demilitarized zone' for unclassified network

DISA's demilitarized zone will be designed to protect its unclassified network, the while command center will help align with the cyber command and oversee key networks, officials say.

Digital Government

DISA won't get derailed by changes in location, culture

DISA's evolving mission and impending relocation are happening simultaneously. And Paige Atkins is in the middle, coordinating strategy and policy to make sure it all happens seamlessly.

Digital Government

What's ahead for DOD's cyber forces

The Defense Department is putting in place the infrastructure and tools needed to achieve its cyber protection goals and objectives.

Digital Government

Cyber Command puts its philosophy into action

The Defense Department in 2010 established a unified Cyber Command and set to work on a new philosophy on how to defend networks.

Digital Government

Wennergren move throws DOD CIO spot into further shadow

The future of DOD's CIO job, long vacant and federally required, hangs in the balance.

Digital Government

Wennergren's new job announcement

Former DOD CIO Dave Wennergren has been assigned as assistant deputy chief management officer, Office of the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Washington, D.C.

Digital Government

DISA moves data closer to the front lines

Alfred Rivera, director of DISA's computing services, discusses the Rapid Access Computing Environment, cloud computing and data center consolidation -- and how those efforts deliver content to the battlefield.

Digital Government

Culture, management issues continue to affect consolidation efforts

The success of data center consolidation initiatives will be determined more by culture and management issues than technology, according to federal managers and industry experts speaking at a recent conference on data center optimization.

Digital Government

Gates' budget-cutting plan leaves Defense CIO role in limbo

Defense Secretary Robert Gates plans to close the Networks and Information Integration office -- home of the Defense chief information officer -- and shift that role, as well as as other responsibilities, to the Defense Information Systems Agency.


DISA's Dave Mihelcic: 'Technology is easy, culture is hard'

The Defense Information Systems Agency strives to keep pace with the quickly adapting defense landscape to deliver critical information and tools to warfighters in the field.

Digital Government

DISA takes lead in Defense enterprise infrastructure

Army Lt. Gen. Carroll F. Pollett outlines the Defense Information Systems Agency's top priorities for information sharing and agency collaboration.

Digital Government

Never say 'Never' on DOD data center outsourcing

William Brougham, the Defense Information Systems Agency’s vice director for network services, said the chances of the Pentagon outsourcing data centers are slim, but he stopped short of ruling it out all together.


The Pentagon sees its future in the cloud

The Pentagon has numerous cloud services up and running, and systems planners are banking on software as a service, one of the cloud's most popular early forms, to deliver some major capabilities sooner rather than later.

Digital Government

DISA picks new CIO and IT directors

DISA names Henry Sienkiewicz to CIO post and Paige Atkins to replace strategist John Garing. Daniel Bradford tapped as director of Global Information Grid.

Digital Government

Flooding forces DISA to cancel annual military show

Rising floodwaters forced the evacuation and closure of the Nashville hotel where conference was set to start.