
Cloud computing, social media dominate ELC

Cloud computing, social-media technologies and economic stimulus funding were prime topics at the Executive Leadership Conference.


Two cases for the cloud

The Defense Department chose a private cloud, and Arlington County, Va., turned to a public offering to address their information technology needs.

Digital Government

DISA ordered to contribute to geospatial intelligence suite

DISA and other DOD organizations must contribute to a suite of geospatial intelligence visualization tools, according to memo from DOD Deputy CIO Dave Wennergren.

Digital Government

Cloud computing: Winners and losers

Technology companies that expect to beneift from cloud computing must creatively adapt licensing, pricing and revenue models.


Does 'early and often' work for software?

A growing number of agencies are using agile development techniques to produce better software faster, but some question whether the approach can succeed in an environment that favors certainty.

Digital Government

GSA, DISA want advice on buying commercial satellite services

GSA and DISA are seeking input from industry for a joint acquisition program that they plan to establish to meet civilian and defense agencies' needs for satellite services.


Web 2.0 review could lead to restricted use of social networking in DOD

A review on how social media should be used at the Defense Department will likely lead to a policy that allows the use of Web 2.0 tools with restrictions due to security concerns, according to a DOD spokesman.


DISA’s view from the cloud

Henry Sienkiewicz explains why DISA set up an internal cloud-computing service and what it means for operations.


DISA wins awards for two Web sites

The Defense Information Systems Agency has won the Web Marketing Association’s 2009 WebAwards for the best military Web site and the best government Web site.


DISA will use telework to retain displaced employees

The Defense Systems Information Agency will use teleworking to retain employees as it relocates to Fort Meade, Md.


Social media and DOD: To be or not to be?

The Defense Department continues to send mixed signals about the use of social-media tools.


DOD said likely to adopt limited social networking

Navy CIO Robert Carey says powerful opportunities exist for social networking inside networks controlled by the military.


DISA releases open-source administration app

The Defense Information Systems Agency has released its Open Source Corporate Management System with hopes that other agencies and industry may reuse and further develop the software suite.


DISA director emphasizes contractor workforce importance

Lt. Gen. Carroll Pollett, director of the Defense Information Systems Agency, reiterated the importance of the contract workforce to DISA at an industry presentation Aug. 7, especially, he said, as the agency faces moving its staff to Fort Meade next year.


Security upgrades highlight DISA buying surge

The Defense Information Systems Agency plans to bolster security features embedded in its far-flung networks and data centers via several acquisition projects planned for the twilight of fiscal 2009.


DISA asks industry for help with new priorities

DISA wants to deliver on-demand, enterprisewide technology services across the Defense Department.


DISA, GSA detail $5 billion satellite pact

A new satellite contract that the General Services Administration and the Defense Information Systems Agency are entering into will offer a $5 billion, 10-year multiple award schedule and indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity terms.


Marines: Facebook is not for the few good men

The Marine Corps has banned using social-networking Web sites on the service’s networks because of security concerns.


GSA, DISA collaborate on satellite contracts

The agencies are set to join forces to procure future commercial satellite communications. The joint strategy will tackle the impending expiration of contracts set to lapse between 2011 and 2012.


Voice over IP builds bridge to the future of DOD comms

The lessons of VOIP are helping expand and combine rich communications and collaboration on military networks.