Digital Government

Military detainment powers dominate Congressional debate

Debate over a controversial measure that allows the military to detain terror suspects around the world, even American citizens on U.S. soil, overshadows other aspects of the 2012 Defense authorization bill.


DOD taking "DISA first" strategy in data center consolidation efforts

DOD is focusing on DISA IT services, core data centers as it pursues efficiencies and data center consolidation, according to its new progress report.


In the intelligence community, a cosmic shift

With budget pressures bearing down and a workforce demanding mobile technology, intelligence agencies look to the cloud for solutions.

Digital Government

DOD looks to semantics for better data-sharing, cost savings

The Defense Department's new RFI for an enterprise information web seeks a semantic web solution that will help services and agencies more easily share data -- and save money


Cyber training no longer basic

Today's troops are getting the latest in high-tech training and education to learn how to combat a fast-moving cyber threat.


DOD says data center closures ahead of schedule despite tardy reporting

DOD has missed two deadlines to report data center consolidation progress, but an official says the department has surpassed target figures.

Digital Government

DOD looks to unconventional methods in fight against IEDs

The U.S. military's counter-IED agency is focusing on intelligence and robotics in the continuing fight against a critical threat to soldiers' lives.


DOD dives deep into sole-source contracting data

Defense acquisition officials are scrutinizing the award of sole-source contracts worth $20 million or more, with a focus on deals awarded to Alaska Native Corporations.


A little help from the crowd, please?

A groundbreaking game designed by the Institute for the Future could find the answers to some very complicated questions.


Counterfeit electronics in supply chain put contractors on the hook

Counterfeit parts, mostly made in China, have found their way into the U.S. military's supply chain, and now members of the Senate Armed Services Committee want to hold contractors more accountable.


Data center report goes AWOL

For the second time, DOD misses deadline for filing report on data center consolidation


Air Force job cuts revealed

Details are beginning to emerge on which Air Force installations will be hardest hit by civilian jobs cuts related to the service's restructuring effort.


Budget cuts won't stop DOD IT spending in 2012, forecast predicts

DOD's appetite for IT expected to be diminished, but still healthy


Army expanding, experimenting with tablets

The Army is building on the popularity of smart phones in the field with further testing and expansion of the use of tablets for a range of applications.

Digital Government

Analysis: Cybersecurity puzzle is a tough one to solve

Experts agree a multidimensional approach to cybersecurity is necessary, but what does that really mean?


Unshred a document, win $50K

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants to improve the way it reassembles shredded documents, and is offering a prize for an effective solution


Pentagon official under investigation resigns

A DOD leader suspected of waste and mismanagement has stepped down


Panetta names new DISA director

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta appoints former vice director to be the new director of the Defense Information Systems Agency.


DISA plans a new step toward DOD cloud

DISA's new RFI aims to develop new framework, architecture and guidelines for a DOD-wide enterprise cloud -- but the agency is also considering the hurdles ahead in its implementation.

Digital Government

DOD has chance to dodge 'doomsday' budget scenario, group says

Spurred by congressional action and military drawdowns in Iraq and Afghanistan, Defense Department cuts are accelerating and will have significant impact on contractors, according to the TechAmerica Foundation.