
DOD's 'Hello, I am a contractor' policy kicks in

Defense Department officials changed the department's regulations to require service contractors to identify themselves as a contractor, whether in person or in a letter.

Digital Government

Citizen soldiers: Users must defend cyber front line

Computer users need regular training and instruction to raise their awareness of how to identify and counter cyber threats.

Digital Government

Citizen soldiers: Users must defend cyber front line

Computer users need regular training and instruction to raise their awareness of how to identify and counter cyber threats.


Shifting market keeps DOD alert for conflicts of interest

As big defense contractors acquire other companies, officials must pay close attention to avoid conflicts of interest, a DOD official says.

Digital Government

Army enterprise e-mail move proceeds apace, DISA says

The enterprise e-mail initiative that the Army is implementing through DISA is moving forward with costs contained, despite some struggles along the way, DOD officials say.

Digital Government

VA's Baker says VA, DOD digital record systems will morph into joint system

Roger Baker, the Veterans Affairs Department's assistant secretary for information and technology, offered some details about how the VA and Defense Department are going to meld their digital medical record systems.


DOD needs better plan to move off of performance-pay system

The Defense Department needs to do a better job of laying out specific goals and a timeline for designing a new performance management system, according to the Government Accountability Office.

Digital Government

National security switcheroo: Panetta to DOD, Petraeus to CIA?

The top U.S. commander will likely succeed current CIA Director Leon Panetta once Panetta replaces Robert Gates as defense secretary, and more shake-ups are imminent, news outlets report.

Digital Government

When it comes to enterprise IT, change remains hard

The Defense Department's quest for enterprise IT modernization has reached fever pitch with the budget chaos. But how much progress is actually being made?


The real cost of continuing resolutions

As DOD seeks to reduce spending, the Pentagon's top acquisition official says that cutting big-ticket weapons programs won't be enough to generate serious savings.


VA, DOD create mobile app for PTSD treatment, support

The Veterans Affairs and Defense departments have released a new mobile application designed to help veterans and service members suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.


DOD not ready for total cloud migration, CIO says

Defense Department CIO Teri Takai cautions against jumping into the cloud.

Digital Government

Social networking comes to DISA's collaboration site

The Defense Information Systems Agency's new Community tool will help users collaborate on broader issues beyond single projects.


DOD parses the people factor in procurement reform

FCW talked to Shay Assad for a Q&A. Assad has been at the center of acquisition reforms for years and has most recently led the way in encouraging a customer-focused culture in DOD procurement.


Budget battle leaves defense industry's confidence shaken

The impact of the continuing resolutions that have paralyzed defense spending for months became more acute with the recent budget showdown, and the damage will remain in play.

Digital Government

Cyber dominance requires strong leadership

With Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen leaving soon, the Defense Department must find replacements capable of providing the leadership necessary to navigate the new hybrid environment of cyber warfare.

Digital Government

Cyber dominance requires strong leadership

With Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen leaving soon, the Defense Department must find replacements capable of providing the leadership necessary to navigate the new hybrid environment of cyber warfare.


Agencies collaborate on learning research project

The Education and Defense departments are looking at how researchers and educators use federal resources to study and teach.

Digital Government

Defense audit agency gets new second-in-command

Anita Bales has served at the agency for nearly 20 years.

Digital Government

DOD prepares personnel for government shutdown

The Defense Department will divide its employees into "excepted" and "nonexcepted" from the governmentwide shutdown, and is releasing some details about how it will proceed if funding runs out this weekend.