
DOD looks for extension on Huawei ban

With a looming implementation deadline in August, DOD looks for leniency in anti-Huawei product requirements for defense contractors.

Digital Government

Connolly asks IGs to review agency reopening plans

The Government Ops chairman also wants the Pentagon's watchdog to probe a civilian federal worker's death from COVID-19.

Digital Government

Social policy takes center stage in 2021 NDAA

As the Defense Department's role in nationwide police brutality protests comes under scrutiny, expect social policy to be centered in the must-pass 2021 defense policy bill.


Pentagon starts reopening June 15

The Pentagon is moving to a restricted Phase One of its reopening plan June 15, the Defense Department announced, with essential personnel returning to headquarters.


Army splits CIO role

The Army announced June 11 that it will divvy up the CIO role to focus on policy and with a separate deputy chief of staff to lead military network communication challenges.


‘COVID penalty’ could cost Pentagon at least $10 billion in contractor claims

Ellen Lord, the Defense Department’s chief buyer, told Congress that defense companies coronavirus relief claims could cost upwards of $10 billion.


Lawmakers want answers on Juniper backdoors

Members of Congress are pressing Juniper's CEO for details of an internal probe into how modified code for a compromised NSA encryption algorithm wound up in the company's firewall products.


DOD's $7.6B cloud email buy heads for redo

Less than a week before a final protest ruling was due, the Defense Information Systems Agency and the General Services Administration are taking another corrective action in their big business software buy for DOD.


Air Force acquisition chief wants to reshape defense industrial base

Will Roper, the Air Force's acquisition chief, said the goal is to pivot away from the defense prime model and create a new industrial base that more easily allows tech companies to work with DOD and the commercial sector.

Digital Government

Mapping the PPE supply chain

Ninety days after the COVID-19 emergency declaration, a Senate panel examined how U.S. responders are managing procurement and delivery of needed supplies.


Army to probe the economics of modernization

Bruce Jette, the Army's acquisition chief, said at an AUSA virtual event June 8 the Army is working on a "holistic economic model" that extends beyond the current two-year budget planning cycle, which can impede modernization efforts.


Essye Miller: The exit interview

Essye Miller, DOD's outgoing principal deputy CIO, talks about COVID, the state of the tech workforce and the hard conversations DOD has to have to prepare personnel for the future.


Sen. Hassan digs into agency IT plans

The push comes, the New Hampshire Democrat explained, because of technology weaknesses exposed in the federal government response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


AFGE urges Congress to back labor priorities in defense bill

Priorities include preserving collective bargaining rights, granting paid family leave


Military leaders try to walk a fine line amid protests against police violence

Defense Secretary Mark Esper and other senior officials signaled opposition to the use of active duty troops to police nationwide protests, but are running up against a commander-in-chief who appears to welcome conflict.


Pentagon names 7 new military sites for 5G testing

The Defense Department has selected seven new military installations to conduct 5G testing and experimentation in several areas including augmented reality, wireless connectivity, and spectrum sharing.


Supplier ownership should be considered in assessing supply chain risk

Many vendors lack transparency into their own supply chains. So how can vendors – as well as their government customers — be assured that their sub-tier suppliers do not pose threats or vulnerabilities?


The internal Air Force startup trying to drive mobile computing

COVID-19 and telework exposed the Air Force's lack of mobile capabilities. BESPIN is trying to change that, that one app at a time.


Pentagon considers reducing quarantine to 10 days

The Pentagon is considering compressing the COVID-19 quarantine period for personnel from 14 to 10 days, top officials said.


Fixing a critical vulnerability in our critical infrastructure

Despite its critical importance to our national security and everyday lives, GPS is highly vulnerable to attacks and technical errors that have already caused serious disruptions.