
DISA looks to pilot AI platform, DevSecOps model by summer

Terry Carpenter, DISA's program executive officer for the National Background Investigation Service, talks about what to expect from a system in transition.


Air Force looks to data standards in 2019

Air Force Undersecretary Matthew Donovan pushes tech innovation and massive IT changes for the coming year.


Defense CDO: Why market share matters in cloud

There are only three general purpose clouds, DOD data chief Michael Conlin says.


DOD acquisition reform panel looks to sunset Clinger-Cohen

The final report from the Section 809 Panel charged with defense acquisition reform thinks the era of the central CIO might be coming to a close.


DOD still falling short on cyber, IG says

Most weaknesses in implementing the NIST cybersecurity framework were related to governance, which could impede the department's ability to manage cybersecurity risks as threats increase.


DOD's health data exchange running on bridge contract

The system that allows the Department of Defense to share health data across multiple legacy platforms and with outside providers is running on a sole-source bridge contract while a bid protest is being resolved.


Army ready to embrace AI

An Army acquisition head says IT strategy around software and cloud are being refined, and artificial intelligence in weapons systems has become a priority.


DARPA probes tech to solve supply chain uncertainty

DARPA and private companies are looking to improve supply chain security through the use of tiny chips and diamonds that can authenticate IT parts used by the government.


DOD audit sparks new financial database

David Norquist, now acting deputy secretary of defense, discussed the Pentagon's pilot database to help track spending and utilize data analytics


What to expect from Shanahan's DOD

The leadership personnel shuffle at the Pentagon has outside observers focused on budget, acquisition and business reforms.


DARPA wants innovative research to mind the GAPS

The military research outfit wants to find a better way to securely transfer sensitive data from air-gapped DOD systems to less secure, internet-facing ones.


Is RPA ready for prime time?

After a year filled with robotic process automation pilots, agencies are focused on truly operationalizing in 2019.


Senate passes bill to establish governmentwide supply chain council

New legislation would establish an interagency council with broad authority to develop rules of the road for federal supply chain security.


GAO: Most agencies aren't sticking to the cybersecurity script

A new audit finds that many big federal agencies aren't implementing key strategies contained in NIST cybersecurity framework.


DOD on track to take on background checks ahead of White House order

The Pentagon is readying to absorb the National Background Investigations Bureau ahead of an anticipated executive order.


IBM's protest against the Pentagon's $10 billion cloud dismissed by GAO

Amazon Web Services moved to intervene in Oracle's lawsuit over the Defense Department's JEDI cloud buy, as the Government Accountability Office dismissed IBM's pre-award protest over the same procurement.


Behind the Pentagon's $10 billion cloud push are big plans for data and AI

In a congressional update on AI investments, Defense Department CIO Dana Deasy explains linkages to enterprise cloud.


Oracle sues DOD over $10 billion cloud buy

After losing out in a Government Accountability Office bid protest, Oracle is taking its case against the Pentagon's proposed $10 billion, 10-year cloud infrastructure deal to federal court.


DOD closes in on 100 percent Windows 10

The Defense Department is sending the message that it doesn't want to pay for expensive out-of-support operating system solutions.


Air Force to reboot JRSS migrations after connectivity problems

The Air Force hit pause on standing up and migrating to the Joint Regional Security Stacks after suffering connectivity problems but will reboot in 2019.