
OCIO gets a seat at the table on DOD's cloud team

Pentagon acquisition chief Ellen Lord has been replaced as the chair of the group overseeing the massive cloud initiative known as the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure.


DOD's shrinking civilian workforce

Education, training and small agencies are hit hardest by efforts at DOD to reduce overhead.


White House names acquisition leaders at DOD, Air Force

The Trump administration announced picks for assistant secretary of defense for acquisition and acquisition head at the Air Force.


Air Force shells out $26K in daylong bug bounty event

During a live-hacking event in New York City earlier this month, 25 security researchers uncovered nearly 60 unknown vulnerabilities.


Lessons learned from training Army combat units in cyber ops

The Cyber Electromagnetic Activities pilot initiative focused on equipping tactical commanders and brigades with cyber and information operation techniques.


Essye Miller named acting DOD CIO

Miller currently serves as the DOD's deputy CIO for cybersecurity but will step into the CIO role as John Zangardi heads to DHS.


DOD looks to DIUX for the future of acquisition

In the midst of a reorg and modernization efforts, the Defense Department wants to lean on its experimental arm to cure procurement woes.


Army modernization command looks to avoid red tape

The Futures and Modernization Command, which is set to stand up in 2018, will have to resist the ways of old if it wants to be successful.


One cloud to rule them all at DOD?

Acquisitions chief Ellen Lord hints that DOD is closing in on a solicitation for a single cloud to dramatically advance data interoperability at the Pentagon.


Army looks to tap civilian talent for cyber force

U.S. Army Cyber Command is launching a pilot program to pluck developers, data scientists and engineers from the workforce to face off against U.S. adversaries.


Trump taps former NASA administrator to head DOD tech research

If confirmed, Michael Griffin would be the Pentagon's first under secretary for research and engineering and effectively serve as CTO.


The quest for seamless, secure identity and access management

With hackers increasingly targeting users, federal agencies are turning to identity management to better protect their systems.

Digital Government

Pentagon boosts emerging tech spend

The Department of Defense spent $7.4 billion in fiscal year 2017 on cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence technologies, according to a recent Govini report.


Norton tipped as next DISA chief

Defense Secretary James Mattis announced that current vice director Adm. Nancy Norton will succeed outgoing DISA head Lt. Gen Alan Lynn.


Government dollars for IoT: Large and unbalanced

Civilian agencies should take a lesson from the Defense Department -- and all of government should look to smaller, emerging tech companies as well as traditional contractors.


Armed services plan for an increasingly mobile future

The Air Force, Marine Corps and Army are looking to bring logistics tracking and wireless learning capabilities to mobile devices for troops.


Mobile apps demand collides with security concerns

The Defense Department has an aggressive mobile strategy, but can it keep up with demand and security patches?


Will new breach reporting rules make defense firms more secure?

A coming 72-hour breach disclosure mandate from the Department of Defense could inadvertently provide a new attack vector for hackers to harass defense contractors.


USAF official: Why elevating CyberCom isn't enough

Making cyber a combatant command is sign of the Pentagon's priorities, but it will take collaborative leadership to facilitate cyber readiness, says an Air Force cyber leader.


Security firm reveals another NSA leak

The data, including a virtual hard drive containing classified Army documents, was for a time unsecured and available for anyone to download.