
Dawn M. Bare

Product Management Specialist/Army ESI Lead Computer Hardware, Enterprise Software and Solutions, Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems, Department of the Army


Can the Army sell Congress on modernization?

Why the Army needs to solve its communication problem with Congress if it hopes to secure more funding.

Digital Government

Do acquisition deadlines spur innovation?

IT modernization legislation looks to avoid the end-of-year spending spree, but some say time pressure can spark creativity.


Mattis: 'Open communication' with private sector is the key to acquisition reform

Pushing forward with the department's reorganization plan, Defense Secretary James Mattis said "it's time to roll up our sleeves and get on with it."


The 20-year climb to an elevated CyberCom

How a 1997 military exercise sparked the eventual creation of a unified combatant command for cyber.


Better standards, more sharing seen as keys to cloud adoption

A broad-based group of federal officials are working together to develop new tools for cloud acquisition and innovation.


Federal employees honored for tech, humanitarian work

At a time of generally low public trust in government, the Partnership for Public Service honored the work of civil servants at its annual awards gala.


House panel hammers Army CIO over request to reprogram 2018 funds

The Army is seeking to realign funds for network modernization, but Congress wants to know what's wrong with the systems it already paid for.


Navy looks to break ground with collaborative IT contracts

By getting ongoing industry input on contracts from industry, the Navy is expecting to save time. Will it work?


USAF awards $1B cloud deal

Dell EMC, Microsoft and General Dynamics are the winners in what's being called the largest-ever federal cloud award.


Crunch time for acquisition portal in defense bill

Reconciliation of the massive defense bill could put new off-the-shelf acquisition sources into the federal acquisition mix, but experts worry about the details.


Navy delays 2018 NGEN award schedule

The Navy announced a five-month delay in its award schedule for two of its IT contracts to implement a new 'sprint' process.


DOD looks to get aggressive about cloud adoption

Defense leaders and Congress are looking to encourage more aggressive cloud policies and prod reluctant agencies to embrace experimentation and risk-taking.


What Cybercom's independence means

Is the next step for Cybercom as a unified combatant command to split off from the National Security Agency?


$500M IT modernization plan passes Senate in defense bill

A bill to help agencies modernize legacy systems and move to the cloud passed the Senate as part of the $700 billion defense bill.


Fate of MGT unclear as Senate revs up to pass NDAA

The Senate will likely vote on the must-pass defense spending bill Monday, but the long-sought modernization fund could end up on the cutting room floor.


Longtime DOD IT exec Paige dies at 86

Retired Army Lt. Gen. Emmett Paige Jr. served 41 years in uniform and another four leading Defense Department IT.


Military IT chiefs want combat-ready infrastructure

Army CIO Maj. Gen. Peter Gallagher said current DOD networks aren't necessarily what's required for the next conflict.


Federal CISOs want more education and training to help boost incident response

To get ahead of cyberthreats, agency CIOs and CISOs want to focus on reducing response times from weeks and months to minutes.

Digital Government

Number of veterans in federal workforce grew in 2016

The number of veterans employed by the federal government has crept steadily upward in recent years, and now represents nearly one-third of the entire executive branch workforce.