
Congress wants oversight of DOD cyber ops

Legislators have introduced a bill requiring the Pentagon to provide details of sensitive military cyber weapons and cyber operations.


VA preps for its sprint to acquire a commercial health record

After announcing it would switch to a commercial electronic health record system, the Department of Veterans Affairs must race to make a deal with Cerner.

Digital Government

USAF secretary calls for more research and innovation

New Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson says that in addition to pressing readiness and modernization needs, the service must prioritize innovation, research and realigning the cyber workforce.


VA to dump Vista for DOD's electronic health record system

Citing an urgent need, Secretary David Shulkin announced that the Department of Veterans Affairs would bypass open competition and buy into the solution chosen by the Defense Department in 2015.


DISA says funding cut won’t slow new background check system

DISA is in the process of developing a new IT platform for federal background investigations, and despite a one-third cut in proposed funding for 2018, the agency says it has the needed budget.


What's slowing down DOD's data center consolidation?

The Defense Department is working through a variety of barriers, including legacy tech and cloud requirements, as it continues its effort to consolidate data centers.


CyberCom mission forces continue to evolve

While the 133 teams of DOD Cyber Mission forces have reached initial operating capability, their organization, equipment and deployment structures continue to develop and change.


Senators want a (bug) bounty on DHS

Senators have introduced legislation to establish a Department of Homeland Security bug bounty program modeled on the Hack the Pentagon that would unleash white-hat hackers on agency systems.


CyberCom seeks 16 percent budget surge for 2018

U.S. Cyber Command is seeking $647 million in funding for fiscal year 2018, a 16 percent boost over 2017 funding, to support cyber mission forces and elevation to a full combatant command.


Forcing culture change at DOD

Study after study has argued that the Department of Defense is risk averse and unable to rapidly adapt to changing technology. One former official says it's time to use force to change innovation culture at the Pentagon.


Thornberry introduces DOD acquisition reform bill

While the DOD is working through major acquisition reforms mandated by the 2017 NDAA, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee is trying to streamline the way the DOD buys smaller goods and services and audits the process.


Why DIUx shouldn't exist

While DIUx is addressing defense innovation and acquisition shortfalls, experts say the need for a procurement acceleration program shows just how broken the acquisition process is.


Career procurement exec tapped for top management post at DHS

Claire Grady, who has held senior procurement positions at the Defense Department and the Department of Homeland Security, is President Trump's nominee for deputy undersecretary for management at DHS.


Wilson confirmed as Air Force secretary

The Senate confirmed Heather Wilson as the new secretary of the Air Force just days after the Trump administration's second nominee for Army secretary withdrew from consideration.


Rogers: 'cyber war' is here to stay

The head of U.S. Cyber Command told senators that the Trump administration is looking to speed up the tempo of cyber operations.


VA chief talks commercial Vista

Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin told House appropriators that the agency was closing in on a decision about the future of its homegrown electronic health record.


DOD pushing ahead with AT&L split

The Department of Defense is moving forward with the congressionally mandated split of the Office of Acquisition, Technology and Logistics and will soon reveal details of its strategy.


Army official: Soldier needs should drive tech acquisition

The Army, and the DOD more broadly, must build out tech acquisition requirements based on the needs of the soldiers in the field, not commanders or acquisition officials, says one Army official.


Congress pushes DOD on IT acquisition agility

Despite years of reform efforts and legislation, the DOD is still struggling to become more agile with IT acquisition, and Congress is searching for answers why.


Air Force invites hackers to a friendly dogfight

The Air Force is the latest military service to partner with HackerOne on a bug bounty competition where hackers can win prize money by finding vulnerabilities in Air Force sites.