
Why bug bounty programs are worth the risk

Expert hackers aren't necessarily the folks you want to invite on your network, but according to a Pentagon expert, they're the best equipped to do an important job.


Ash Carter returns to Harvard

The former secretary of defense is taking the helm of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School.


New cyber warriors face culture shock

The U.S. military services are scrambling to recruit and train new cyber warriors, but that is also requiring cultural changes in institutions known for order, tradition and stability.


Army: Electronic domain is contested

A contested electronic environment is the new normal, say Army leaders, and the service needs to prepare for and train to fight with degraded electronic systems and capabilities.


DIUx head wants to drive culture change at DOD

The head of the Defense Innovation Unit Experimental says his goal is to drive culture change in the DOD's acquisition and innovation processes rather than make DIUx the acquisition arm of the DOD.


Trump names six to top Pentagon posts

The White House has put forward six new nominees for top positions at the Department of Defense to join Secretary of Defense Mattis who is currently the only Senate-confirmed Trump appointee in the DOD.


Trump's 2018 budget plan hacks civilian spending for defense, homeland

As promised, a budget blueprint from the Trump administration prioritizes military and homeland security spending, and pays for increases with dramatic cuts to civilian agencies.


Should the U.S. stockpile zero days?

Zero-day vulnerabilities live on average for 6.9 years and have a low rate of discovery by other entities, which could argue in favor of stockpiling them, according to a comprehensive study by the RAND Corporation.


DHS wants a look at anti-drone tech

DHS' Science and Technology directorate invites counter-drone technology companies to show off their capabilities, while military commanders warn about unauthorized drones near military bases.


Report: Combatant commands vulnerable to cyber attacks

Despite making progress against cyber red teams, military combatant command missions are coming up short in defending against nation-state adversaries in training exercises.

Digital Government

2017 defense bill advances

The House Appropriations Committee has introduced the final $578 billion defense spending bill for the remainder of FY2017. It's an $11 billion increase over 2016, but far short of what defense hawks say is needed going forward.


DOD vague on AT&L split

The Department of Defense met its to update Congress on progress towards splitting the office of Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, but provided few details on what the split will look like.


McCain continues push for cyber policy

Arizona senator says the U.S. still lacks a clear policy for deterring and defending against cyberattacks and vows to pressure the Trump administration to develop a comprehensive cyber strategy.


DISA searches for new acquisition life with SETI

The new $7.5 billion SETI acquisition program aims to rapidly contract innovative technologies and solutions across the Defense Department.


Trump floats $54B boost to defense, and matching cuts to civilian agencies

The White House is proposing double-digit decreases at civilian agencies and steep cuts to foreign aid to support a 10 percent increase to the defense side of the federal discretionary budget.


Rogers: Why data is critical infrastructure

The head of the NSA says that in the wake of Russia's hacking of the Democratic National Committee, the U.S. has to rethink what critical infrastructure means in a digital age.


How to define cyber-enabled economic warfare

The U.S. and the international community have yet to agree to standard definitions of cyber attacks and cyber-enabled economic warfare, and that's hindering effective policy responses to attacks, according to a new report.


Mattis mulls consolidation in IT, cyber

In a Feb. 17 memo, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told senior leadership to establish teams to look for duplication across the armed services in business operations, including in IT and cybersecurity.