
What the military learned from OPM

Civilian agencies have been publicly scouring the OPM breach for lessons, but military cyber leaders are also getting in on the act.


DOD looks to Silicon Valley to automate cyber response

Boosting automated capabilities would make more IT personnel available for other critical jobs, says CIO Terry Halvorsen.


Library of Congress names new CIO

Bernard A. Barton Jr. fills a position that has been vacant since 2012.


Cybersecurity: 6 schools with the right stuff

The federal government craves more cybersecurity professionals. These six schools are helping meet that demand.


New DISA deputy wants to fortify networks

A few weeks into the job, Maj. Gen. Sarah Zabel is calling on the Defense Information Systems Agency to do a better job of making Pentagon networks more resilient and secure.


Halvorsen wants to change economics of cyberspace

The Defense Department CIO wants the private sector’s help in making it more costly for hackers to do harm -- and cheaper for the Pentagon to stop them.


DOD’s chasm between what's needed and what's possible

DOD acquisition chief Frank Kendall sees a wide gap "between our national security needs and how we meet those needs."

Digital Government

DOD pledges $75M for hybrid electronics

The Defense Department is awarding a grant for manufacturing hybrid electronics to a consortium of firms, universities and nonprofits.


Brubaker joins IT Cadre

Former DOD executive and two-time Fed 100 winner had recently left AirWatch.


In search of virtualization

Responding to calls from Congress and the Pentagon, several Defense Department components are seeking better virtualization technologies.


DOD sets up cyber workforce council

The group will include members from the offices of the DOD CIO, Defense undersecretaries for personnel and readiness, policy, and intelligence, and the National Security Agency.

Digital Government

No protests in DOD electronic health record award

The team of Leidos, Cerner and Accenture won the Defense Healthcare Management System Modernization contract, potentially worth $9 billion, on July 29.